*External replications and hooks *Session proposed by Monty Taylor *Tuesday November 5, 2013 5:30pm - 6:10pm *Design Summit 1 *Infrastructure We're pretty self contained and other than bugs and openid on launchpad, don't actually use anything on external sites for real purposes. However, people find integrations with external sites, such as our replication to github, helpful for their daily lives. On the other hand, having things in multiple locations also has the potential to confuse people (like the angry pull request dude) If we ARE going to do things with an external site, we should probably figure out automation for it, because the tasks of doing it are probably quite lame and boring. Let's talk about what external things all of our projects should be associated with and managed in automated fashion. Current list of things to think about: * github * bitbucket * rtfd * ohloh * launchpad * freshmeat we could use the github side path connection we could create empty shell projects that point people to git.openstack.org/cgit should we replicate to the other git service providers why are we still using github? discoverabity? github renders rst / markdown files *.rst files inside a project should move to .../docs lots of people do their own automated git pulls from github we should fix manage projects so that it doesnt fail when github fails clean up our own house in www.o.o clean up our own links to github