*Keystone needs on the QA Pipeline Friday 11:00- http://icehousedesignsummit.sched.org/event/51143df76abb530cb02cdcfc37502b18 Integration testing the python-keystoneclient API with keystone - existing features are "tested" in keystone (by side-effect, it's not the purpose of the tests) - new ones (like trusts) Testing python-keystoneclient API compatibility - git checkout different versions of the client in keystone.tests and run same test suite against them (skip tests inappropriate for the old version) Keystone needs to update its tests - webtest for v2 validates keystone behavior - then can stop doing tests through keystoneclient Testing Keystone notifications - format of notifications are part of the public interface - e.g. revocation events (and potentially centralized quotas & policy) Todo- - Provide client API contract and deprecation mechanism - contract to be enforced via client library surface tests - wider matrix of configurations to be tested (ldap, sql, postgres, dogpile, memcache, federation configurations, client versions, service versions) - a dummy service to stand up all keystone middleware (auth_token, variations thereof, etc) within and test functionality - Possible mechanism to link patches between repos, express dependencies between test and feature patches - Move keystone functional api tests to tempest - Move keystoneclient integration tests (multi version) to tempest