Krumbach Sauerbraten

4lb boned rump or bottom round beef


1 1/2 cup cider vinegar
1/2 cup red wine (burgundy)
1 cup water
2 T sugar
1/2 t pepper corns
4 bay leaves
3 sliced onions (med)
12 Whole cloves
1 t mustard seeds
2 t salt

Marinate 24 to 48 hours, turning every 6 hours

Save marinade.


Sprinkle meat with flour, salt and pepper and brown in 1/4 cup criso

After browing, add 3/4 cup strained marinade and:

1/2 t peppercorns
1 sliced onion
6 whole cloves
1/2 t mustard seeds
1 t salt

Simmer 3 1/2 - 4 hours or until almost falling apart

Remove meat from pot

Strain drippings and let stand for 2 minutes

Pour off all but 1/2 cup and put back into put and heat

Stir in 2 cups strained marinade (add water if not enough marinade)

Stir in 1/3 cup ginger snap crumbs (essential)

Remove part of liquid and cool, stir in 1/2 cup sour cream and reheat (do not boil!)

Serve with:

Red cabbage
Mashed potatos
Jello/Pudding salad

Carl Krumbach's recipe, see original: sauerbraten1.png sauerbraten2.png