Comments on: Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid Lynx – Dallas, Texas: Thursday and Friday Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph's public journal about open source, mainframes, beer, travel, pink gadgets and her life near the city where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars. Thu, 03 Nov 2016 18:56:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Timo Jyrinki Thu, 03 Dec 2009 06:54:00 +0000 At least the one I used was Glock 17, so it is probably safe to assume they gave all us glockers the same type.

The four rules were included at and I think there was some variation of those also at the site in addition to the longer rules document.

(my photos are btw also all cc-by-sa 3.0)

By: pleia2 Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:47:04 +0000 Target was 10M away.

I don’t know about the “4 basic rules” but we all got the 5 minute gun tour prior to shooting where this photo was taken.

By: Darxus Wed, 02 Dec 2009 20:43:19 +0000 All glocks are black. Probably 9mm (most common, least recoil, least expensive). Probably full size. So probably a Glock 17, maybe 19.

Any idea how far away the target was?

Did anybody go over the four basic safety rules?
