The Wedding of Elizabeth and Michael

Ceremony - Smudging and Honoring the Directions

El lights the white sage in a shell and smudges the wedding party.

El reads the blessing of the 4 directions, mother earth, and father sky:

"Great Spirits, Spirits of the East. Spirit of Mother Hawk. We ask that you come to us this day and hear us, this ceremony and our intentions. In this direction of the new beginnings we ask that you guide this couple in their first steps along the path of marriage. We ask that you bless this couple with the your strength, knowledge and wisdom in their journey forward.

A'Ho! (said by all, similar to an Amen!)

Great Spirits, Spirits of the South. Spirit of Coyote. We ask that you come to us this day and hear us, this ceremony and our intentions. In this direction of the trickster animals we ask that you occasionally test us so that we always continue to learn and follow along the path of humility.


Great Spirits, Spirits of the West. Spirit of Mother Bear. We ask that you come to us this day and hear us, this ceremony and our intentions. In this direction of physical we ask for your healing in times of pain.


Great Sprits, Spirits of the North. Spirit of White Buffalo. We ask that you come to us this day and hear us, this ceremony and our intentions. In this direction of the abundance we thank you for all that you have given us to survive so that we may lead our lives in a way that shows our gratitude.


Great Spirits, Mother Earth. We thank you for giving us life. Without you we would not exist in this vast universe. May we give back to you as much as you have given us.


Great Spirits, Father Sky. We gaze upon you with mystery and wonder as you connect us with the rest of the universe. May we one day gain understanding of this fabric that connects our world to so many others.


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