This section is for a few ASCII R2D2's I made in vim. I did this because I was trying to make a decent one for my email signature. And since some bad people dont use a fixed font in their email r2 looked terrible... I tried making a couple that wouldnt look so bad, but of course I failed miserably and just said "ah screw those non fixed font ppl" and put up the biggest one, hehe.... And since I already had a few r2's made up, I chose one and had leftover ones... so of course, what does PrincessLeia2 do with stuff? Puts it on the website! So here they are...
This is the one I ended up using for my signature:

These are a couple smaller ones (I thought smaller would be better ... wouldnt get out of shape as much... but it just turned out you couldnt much tell what they were if i didnt say "this is r2d2" .. so it sorta defeated the purpose... so, THIS IS R2D2 %)