I started playing Magic: The Gathering when an ex-boyfriend of mine introduced it to me. I was already into computer/video game type gaming, and he thought I was smart, so he thought I'd be interested in Magic. Well for once he was right and I ended up being just as into it as he was for the time we dated. It was fun... and I guess I sorta had an emotional attachment to my cards so when I stopped playing I still held onto them. So I only played for a little under 2 years, and my collection isn't too impressive but I guess it's one of the only things I enjoyed during that part of my life so the collection is something I want to keep. Besides, I have heard tons of people regret selling their collections, it wouldnt be worth the $50 I'd get for my collection %)
I can't say I was ever very good at magic. I played mostly black and green, never blue because control was just way too difficult for a newbie like me to master very quickly. Besides, green is so cute! And black is just so cool.
I went to a couple prereleases in Syracuse, NY. They were fun, but I think the insane number of people attending sorta bothered me since I am not really one for crowds. I never won much, and when I did I think it was mostly because my opponent was nervous to be playing a girl(as it's pretty much a male dominated game). *Shrugs* I guess I never got too great at deck building either, and so when we did sealed deck or booster draft I'd be totally lost. I played mostly because it was fun, even if I was the only girl usually playing at the local card store. It was always cool when the shop owner's daughter came down, 'cause I finally had another girl to play with, and it got their attention off me and on her, yay!
So here's my collection, and the three decks I still have. I guess I'm posting the decks so anyone reading this page can say "no wonder you fucking lost!!!" *grins*
My Decks
Black Life Gain:
The point I tried to get through with this deck was that since black leechs life a lot I put in a bunch of artifacts to counter this loss... of course I then realized that wasnt really a problem in this deck *sigh* Still I was an inexperienced player and I was paranoid about losing life *shrugs* This was pretty much my first deck
22 Swamp
4 Terrain Generator
2 Peat Bog
2 Rejuvenation Chamber
1 Skull Of Ramos
4 Dark Ritual
3 Seal Of Doom
4 Vicious Hunger
3 Dispoil
2 Eradicate
1 Plague Wind
4 Belbe's Percher
4 Plaque Fiend
4 Plague Witch
2 Bog Glider
2 Disease Carriers
2 Highway Robber
1 Avatar Of Woe
Green Creature Deck:
This was my first green deck, and it's exactly what the title says, a creature deck, just tries to kill opponent with big, small, and enchanted creatures. Pretty simple and old idea, and I guess I did win a couple games with this deck...
25 Forests
4 Blastroderm
4 Llanowar Elve
4 Skyshroud Ridgeback
3 Darba
2 Hunted Wumpus
2 Pygmy Razorback
2 Spore Frog
1 Marsh Boa
1 Rancor
1 Stampede Driver
4 Seal Of Strength
4 Giant Growth
4 Wild Might
2 Invigorate
Multi-Color Green Saproling Rith Deck:
This was the last deck I ever made, only actually played it a couple times, and never got the hang of using it... probably because it sucks just as much as the rest of my decks. Anyway, the dragons are kewl so I made this Rith Saproling deck, and multicolor was in so I thought I'd try it out.
20 Forests
2 Elfhame Palace
2 Shivan Oasis
1 Rith's Grove
4 Quirion Elves
4 Thornscape Apprentice
2 Amphibious Kavu
2 Blurred Mongoose
2 Lanowar Calvary
2 Nomadic Elf
2 Rith, the Awakener
2 Rith's Attendant
2 Stone Kavu
2 Thornscape Familiar
2 Verdeloth the Ancient
1 Utopia Tree
4 Pulse Of Llanowar
2 Hull Breach
1 Saproling Symbiosis
Foil Cards
I guess the pride of my little collection was my 8 foil ravenous rats...
(click to see larger images of this)
These are the foil cards I got from the 3 prereleases I played in:
Avatar Of Hope, Prophecy PreRelease
Raging Kavu, Invasion PreRelease
Questing Pheldagriff, Planeshift Prerelease
These are all my other foil cards... they arent in any particular order because I am too lazy to put them in any order at the moment %P.

Pouncing Jaguar - my cat's nickname was Pouncing Jaguar, so I just *had* to have the foil card
Scoria Cat - we called my cat's sister Scoria Cat
Kavu Climber
Kavu Agressor
Pouncing Kavu
Rogue Kavu
Serpentine Kavu
Anchient Kavu
Dromar's Charm
Treva's Charm
Treefolk Healer
Verdant Field
Wild Mammoth
Jeweled Torque
Dream Thrush
Crimson Acolyte
Trickster Mage
Phantasmal Terrain
Crossbow Infantry
Capashen Unicorn
Defender Of Law
Glimmering Angel
Exotic Curse
Honorable Scout
Parallex Dementia
Mogg Jailer
Spineless Thug
Soul Strings
Metathran Transport
Heroic Defiance
Morgue Toad
Rejuvenation Chamber
Repopulate - this was the first magic card I ever owned
Wandering Stream
Spore Frog
Deepwood Ghoul
Harvest Mages
Howling Wolf
Lightning Hounds
Keldon Berserker
Elvish Champion
Pure Reflection
These are just some Rare Dragon cards I collected because dragons are cool
Arcades Sabboth - Chronicles
Chronium - Chronicles
Nicol Bolas - Chronicles
Palladia-Mors - Chronicles
Vaevicris Asmadi - Chronicles
Two-Headed Dragon - Mercadian Masques - this was actually the first rare I ever pulled
Crosis - Invasion
Darigaaz - Invasion
Dromar - Invasion
Rith - Invasion
Treva - Invasion
All cards on this site are © Wizards of the Coast... all images are scanned/edited by PrincessLeia2.