Note: Content on this page is old and probably no longer applicable, kept online for historical purposes

When you begin using vim you learn the four primary navigation "vim-keys" which are h j k and l. These are used for navigating vim in command mode, so you don't need to reach over to the arrow keys (or be without navigation if your keyboard does not have arrow keys).
: : What are the advantages of using vim-keys elsewhere on the desktop? : :
Most importantly, time-saving. It increases productivity if you don't need to reach over to the arrowkeys all the time for navigation.
: : Isn't it hard to get used to? : :
If you are familiar with vim commands it's quite easy to get used to. After a while I found myself trying to use vim-keys everywhere, and frustrated that it didnt work *grins* which is the reason for this page.
- Navigating the enlightenment desktop with vim-keys. -Open the ~/.enlightenment/keybindings.cfg file of your user.
Now you will need to scroll down in this file until you see the section that controls navigation of your desktop (it should be about 200 or so lines down in the file). You will need to comment out (using /* */ style comments) the arrow key sections, and replace them with the vim-keys. Confused? Check out a snippit of my keybindings.cfg :
~/.enlightenment/keybindings.cfg snippit
Once this is edited and saved, restart enlightenment.
NOTE: You don't actually have to comment out the arrow key navigation. It will work if you keep them uncommented, you will be able to use arrow keys AND vim-keys, but I chose to comment them out so I was forced to use the vim-keys. You can also just delete them, but I liked keeping them around for future reference, or if I ever decide that I want to use them again.
- Navigating Opera with vim-keys. -First create a file called vimbind.ini in your ~/.opera directory
In this file put the following:
Drop down history=
Move Up=Up,K
Move Down=Down,J
Move Left=Left,H
Move Right=Right,L
Save and exit this file.
Now open opera, and go to Edit > Shortcuts
Down in the "Keyboard Set" section hit the "Choose" button then choose vimbind.ini
Hit Apply and OK
Restart Opera.
Firefox (1.5 tested)
O'Reilly DevCenter Blog: Firefox with vi(m) keybindings by Juliet Kemp(thanks to arno for sending me this link!)
Comments? Questions? Additions? Email me at