Myk (Time) And Lyz's (PrincessLeia2's) Pumpkins 2003!
These are the pictures we took while carving and finishing our pumpkins on 10.29.03
Myk's pumpkin is the one sticking it's tongue out, Lyz's is the cat-like one.
The pumpkins before they are carved.

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Lyz starting to carve.

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Lyz carving.

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Lyz playing with her stuffed animal Stitch (who was helping slice the pumpkins *grin*).

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Myk scooping the insides out of his pumpkin.

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Myk starting to carve his pumpkin.

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Myk carving.

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Finished pumpkins on counter.

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Finished pumpkins a little more close up.

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Finished pumpkins.

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Finished pumpkins.

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Finished pumpkins with Lyz sitting behind them.

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Finished pumpkins with Lyz sitting behind them again.

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Finished pumpkins with Myk sitting behind them.

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