Downtown Scwhenksville
On March 5th 2005 I took a walk in my town of Schwenksville, from my home to the Perkiomen Valley Library, and brought along my camera.

Woodland Ave marker

Water towers on Summit Ave.

Fence on Summit Ave.

URock and Schwenksville Laundromat

Main Street Market

The small sign for the Police Department, and the actual building itself (yes, it looks like a house)

666 Main Street, Local Tax Collector (no joke)

Creek that mainstreet crosses, which overflows into the road during very bad rainstorms.

Schwenksville Family Practice

Schwenksville Professional Center

A shot down mainstreet, a store and gas station

The National Bank of Schwenksville

Schwenksville (19473) Post Office

Schwenksville Office of Ambler Savings

Moccia's Ice Cream Junction

Schwenksville Fire Station

Antiques Shop

Perkiomen Valley Library