
Born: December 19, 2002 (Father and Mother)
Location: Sweden
Breed: Bengal (See: The International Bengal Cat Society and Bengal Cat FAQ)
How I know him: He's owned by meatie, a friend of mine on IRC.
Why I love him: Skorpan is a beautiful Bengal cat! I can't get enough of looking at his pictures :)
Baby Pictures:
tiny kitten
tiny kitten with a couple siblings
kitten looking at camera
kitten playing with family
kitten sitting
Later Pictures/Present:
climbing on furniture
with mouse toy
more playing with mouse toy

sniffing a plant
looking in fish tank
on top of fish tank
trying to catch fish
looking outside
playing with fluffy pink toy
claws in furniture after playing with toy
looking at fish tank more
relaxing on mousepad
attacking a towel RAR!!!
drinking water from faucet
relaxing in front of the keyboard
on top of a desk

attacking rubber band
drinking water out of sink
sleeping in front of keyboard
looking out the window
playing in front of fish tank
on top of scratching post
in a box
swiping at a toy
yawning next to computer
face shot, staring at camera
on top of box
playing with things
climbing off of shelf
laying on shelf
about to attack
knocked over cactuses!