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Our trip to West Virginia

Michael and Lyz on at the top of Seneca Rock. (Day Four)

This website is about the vacation that Lyz (myself) and Michael took from April 24 to May 2nd, 2004. This was the first real vacation without family that we've ever taken together.

The vacation started out in Maryland and we spent most of our time in the lovely mountains of West Virginia. Our trip consisted of hiking, checking out water falls, staying at 3 separate Bed and Breakfasts, and an incredible trip to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

The following is a written and photographic journal of our travels. The journal entries were written on a notepad that I brought with me, I have typed them up so they are easier to read.

Day One - Sideling Hill & The Castle

Day One - All Photos

Day Two - New Germany State Park & The Castle

Day Two - All Photos

Day Three - Blackwater Falls & Tunnel Mountain B & B

Day Three - All Photos

Day Four - Seneca Rocks & Seneca Caverns

Day Four - All Photos

Day Five - Hills Creek Falls

Day Five - All Photos

Day Six - National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, WV

Day Six - All Photos

Day Seven - Just a relaxing day

Day Eight - Spruce Knob

Day Eight - All Photos

Day Nine - The trip home

Day Nine - All Photos

Lyz standing next to the Green Bank Telescope. Michael standing in front of the 85-1, or Tatel Telescope, the original Radio Telescope used in the SETI project. (Day Six)