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Ugh… I’m freaking bored. S’one of those terrible depressive boredoms that makes me wanna go take a nap, I hate that. Moods where all I feel like doing is sleeping suck. *Yawn*

So last night for dinner I tried to make eggplant parmasean… it didnt turn out too bad.. just the eggplant wasnt as cooked as I could have hoped *sigh* luckily Myk likes it not completely cooked to death. Well, while I was finishing eating we were starting to watch Law and Order and my little sister called. Frustrated, I took the call and she was all complaining about how her computer wasnt working right *ugh* … she told me what the problem was and turns out she has a pretty nasty worm on her system, and of course no virus scan software. Plus she doesnt know how it got on there. Luckily my other sister heather is going up to visit today… I asked heather to backup annette’s files and reinstall windows n stuff, since the worm had pretty much taken over the computer by then. She’s gonna install norton antivirus on it, and hopefully they will be smart enough to keep up on the updates! … The phone call with annette was interesting though, at one point I asked what it said on her cd rom drive (i didnt know if they had a cdrw to backup files with)… and she was like “what is a cd-rom drive?” oy!!! Talk about making my job hard… I will never become a help desk techie, helping my sister is one thing… helping a whole fleet of people who dont know what a cd-rom drive is is a completely different one entirely. In any event I hope Heather can sucessfully reinstall everything… and maybe someday my family will learn to use virus scan software once they realize how hard it is to reinstall a system! In any event I’m waiting by the phone for a call from Heather telling me she screwed up the windows install.

NEXT! I was talking to a friend of mine from online last night, and she told me about this site where she posted some of her poetry… and it’s a pretty cool site, you can get feedback from your poems n stuff from other users *shrugs* it’s kinda cool to get positive feedback from people sometimes. So I posted some of mine up there… they are all pretty old, from when I was pretty depressed n stuff, so it’s all pretty much typical “teenage loneliness and depression” things.. oh well.. if anyone is interested they are at http://www.postpoems.com/members/pleia2/. I spent a good part of the morning this morning wandering around reading other people’s poems, ’cause I was bored then too… There are some really good amature poets out there. I wrote some reviews, of some poems I liked, I think the reason for that was completely selfish though, if I write reviews then people will come to my poetry site and read mine… yep… selfish. Oh well. Maybe I’ll be in the mood to write some poems today… since I dont have any recent ones. I guess my problem is that I can only write when I’m depressed about something in particular, so at times like, say, now when I am not depressed about anything really I end up writing random stuff, and then throwing it away because I am depressed and convinced it sucks… make sense? Hehe… I wish it was the weekend.

So I’m listening to some Stabbing Westward, because they just rock, and of course since I am a bad fan I dont have any of their cds. And I am cheap, and mp3s are just so much easier than getting up and going to the store where there are people and buying a cd… true I could order online, but when I want to listen to a song I want to listen to it now, not in 2 weeks when they decide to ship it to me. Ah, how american.

Anyway, I am gonna go wander off, maybe take a walk (so much for waiting by the phone for that phone call from my sis saying she broek windows). I dont wanna sit around here anymore. Maybe I’ll come home and write a poem later, if I do, and it’s decent, I’ll post it here.

*Grabs Peter Murphy’s “Deep” from Myk’s cd collection and wanders off for a walk”