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Archive for March, 2003

o/` Tricky – She Makes Me Wanna Die o/` I’m actually a cat person, not a dog person… like these pictures might lead you to believe. PL2 And Pogo 1 PL2 And Pogo 2 Unforutnately the batteries in the digital camera died after Myk took these pictures, so we never actually got any decent ones […]

o/` Chorale – Voit Mua Kosketta o/` I feel better than yesterday, emotionally anyway. I’m not sure what was wrong, maybe the stress of a lot of things just got to me? *shrugs* Myk came home from work, and we just sat around and talked for a while about all sorts of things, and I […]

I am in a horrible horrible mood. I don’t know if I’m depressed… or just upset… or tired. I’m not hungry, tried to eat lunch and just felt sick. Tried to work on a couple things and just got frustrated and gave up. I want to sleep, but I think I am too anxious for […]

o/` Vangelis – One More Kiss Dear – Blade Runner Soundtrack o/` So you work for certain things in your life. You strive to meet goals, and so at the end of the day you can look at what you did and be proud of yourself. But what happens if one of your most vital […]

o/` Bel Canto – In Zenith o/` Well I had that meeting with the guy for the webpage yesterday, and things went well %) I started on the design yesterday. It looks a lot like their letterhead, but I wanted to keep a consistant look to their stuff of course. It’s coming out quite nice, […]

o/` Naked Eyes – Always Something There To Remind Me o/` I feel, odd. Slept horribly last night. It was one of those nights where I couldn’t stop thinking of *things* … I go to my “happy place” in my mind, to try to relax, and as soon as I stopped focusing on that I’d […]

o/` Depeche Mode – Blasphemous Rumours o/` Well we didn’t *plan* on doing anything yesterday. Myk went into work for a bit, when he came home we headed over to N-Tropy‘s house. Had pizza and we were going to watch Riverworld on scifi, but after about 10 minutes we realized it was just going to […]

o/` Sade – No Ordinary Love o/` I love keybindings, I never touch my mouse unless I’m surfing the web, it is much happiness. Didn’t really do much yesterday, it was very dull %) When Myk came home we took a nap… I dont know why I was so tired, maybe it was just because […]

o/` A Perfect Circle – Orestes o/` So after reading about phyx‘s fun (or lack thereof) with mplayer and svga, I recalled that you can use links (the web browser) in console with svga. What I didn’t remember is that it requires framebuffer… so when I compiled it with graphics enabled yesterday I was frustrated […]

o/` The Police – Every Breath You Take o/` It has begun. I could write 5 paragraphs about what I saw last night on the news, but somehow it just doesn’t appeal to me. I went to the doctor today for that coloscopy, and let me tell you, what an AWFUL thing it was. I […]