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Archive for March, 2003

o/` BOA – Little Miss o/` Anyone have a 1U rack mount server they want to sell to me for real cheap? Please? %) Looks like I’ll probably get this website job, woo! They are wanting a php and mysql backend (well, they will need one, based on what they told me they want) so […]

o/` A Perfect Circle – Brena o/` I am torn between my pacifism and the fact that the UN made a decision last fall and if they don’t stick to it then they open the door to more people who think they can fool them, and possibly cause worldwide problems. *Sigh* So what are my […]

o/` Fisher – Breakable o/` Happy St. Patrick’s Day! On my Disney Days calendar today there are some of the green army men from Toy Story. The irony is not lost on me. This can’t be a good omen. So I met this horribly mean german woman today in IRC. Apparently she is offended when […]

o/` Something Corporate – Konstantine o/` I think my problem is allergies, it’s been getting progressively warmer out these past few days (64 F out now!), and my allergies have been known to act up to a point where I get an upset stomach. Bleh, I never got allergies until I moved to New York, […]

How can I get sick if I never leave the freaking house? *Upset stomach* … maybe it was something I ate.

o/` Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major o/` How many cents off a gallon of gas is a human life worth? Next year will you sleep well every night despite every mile you drive on your cheap gas being paid for by the blood of our fellow countrymen? Of course you will, […]

o/` Everclear – Song From An American Movie Part 1 o/` Erm, Everclear… yeah, it’s sorta nostalgic. I made hard boiled eggs today. I had never done it before, so to find out how to do it I search on google. End result? One cracked, on broke and spit some yucky egg yoke out into […]

o/` Better Than Ezra – The Killer Inside o/` Rule number 7 of the #13thHour rules states: Do not talk about killing yourself. If you are seriously suicidal you need a therapist, not strangers on IRC. Now, this room only has 8 rules, why do we feel like this is important to be in there […]

o/` Mediaeval Baebes – The Snake o/` “House cafeterias will be serving fries with a side order of patriotism Tuesday with a decision by GOP lawmakers to replace the “French” cuisine with “freedom fries.”” Haha! That’s funny *laughing* where did you get that article? The Onion? What? You’re serious? This is true? *weeps* Besides the […]

o/` Jimmy Eat World – No Sensitivity o/` First of all, I have to show off my pretty new screenshot: Screenshot 03.10.03., I switched back to the DarkOne theme (I was using base) that I used back when I had redhat… I missed it %) I also have a pretty new matrixesque background. I used […]