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Archive for March, 2003

o/` U2 – Pride o/` Everything sucks. Ok, it doesnt, I’m just in a bad mood. Food still tastes like nothing, last night was another crappy night’s sleep, and I’m starting to go crazy because of this lack of sleep. I am over reacting to everything. I HATE myself like this. The fucking weekend sucked. […]

o/` Nine Inch Nails – The Day The World Went Away o/` Loss of appetite, loss of interest in things I love to do, increased sleeping problems, overuse of sarcasm, getting upset over silly little things. Yes, depression. I have been dealing with depression for years, over the past year and a half I have […]

o/` UN Iraqi Weapons Inspections Report o/` Ok, so it’s not music, but it’s what I am listening to %) Speaking of which, I listened to President Bush’s address last night, it was like the Two-Minutes Hate (1984), only it was 50 minutes long. The only emotions Bush showed were amusement and hatred. He avoided […]

o/` Depeche Mode – Shake The Disease o/` Slept horribly again last night… ugh. I finished going through my mp3s yesterday afternoon Final Mp3 Count: 1751 (See List) Final Ogg Count: 176 (See List) Yeah, not too many oggs, we just started making them a few months ago *shrugs* I keep tasting butter in my […]

o/` Stabbing Westward – So Wrong o/` Aphex Twin does the soundtrack for my nightmares. I realized that recently when I was sorta zoning out listening to some Aphex Twin, and all of a sudden I was pulled out of my daze by intense fear. “Girl-Boy Song” was playing and that’s when I made the […]

o/` Peter Murphy – My Last Two Weeks o/` Hmm, about the depressing medical stuff I’ve been writing lately. I am honestly not too terribly concerned, it just helps to get my thoughts and speculations written down somewhere *shrugs* I drank last night. But it wasn’t because I was depressed, I actually had a decent […]

o/` Peter Murphy – Seven Veils o/` Polycystic Ovary Syndrome runs in my mother’s side of the family, it’s genetic. What is it? Apparently it’s male sex hormone overproduction in the body that causes problems (as you probably know, both men and women contain male and female sex hormones…). This possibly leads to less production […]