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Archive for April, 2003

o/` Portishead – Wandering Star o/` Stupid daylight savings time, I want my hour back! We didnt end up going to the mountains yesterday, just had too much ‘stuff’ we really needed to do here (egads, taxes are due in 10 days!). So we ordered pizza and got a movie. We have been getting pizza […]

o/` Frank Sinatra – Fly Me To The Moon o/` “Leia, why do you always date geeks?” I can’t believe I was asked this! Where else am I going to find an intelligent, nice guy, but in the vastly untapped resource of male geeks? We might go up to the mountains (the Poconos, about an […]

o/` BOA – Little Miss o/` I think I need to work on my self esteem. My social paranoia makes people think I’m really qwirky… This morning I met with the guy that I’m making the webpage through (he’s sorta a middleman, since he lives in the area). He liked the site, I showed him […]

The reason I can’t email my friends on aol: http://www.msnbc.com/news/894113.asp?cp1=1 FUCKING AOL! FUCKING COMCAST! *sighs and goes back to work*

o/` Sister Hazel – Your Winter o/` Yesterday… hmm. Well I got the webpage basically done, I uploaded it to the cobalt webserver, now I just need Myk to turn on mysql so I can setup the database and stuff, yay! We (well Myk did, I helped a little) did some touchup painting around the […]

o/` Lost Highway Soundtrack o/` I am so sick of meeting bitches. You know, I try so hard to seek out fellow female geeks, and I think “hey, #linuxchix is a nice room filled with fellow smart women” … and for the first few days it was fine, but now it feels like everytime I […]