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Archive for May, 2003

o/` Aphex Twin – Cliffs o/` 01:00:02 -!- BirthdayBot [~Bot@X-36B339AD.clockbot.net] has joined #13thHour 01:00:05 -!- mode/#13thHour [+o BirthdayBot] by R2D2 01:00:12 -!- BirthdayBot changed the topic of #13thHour to: ` – . – ` – Happy Birthday Syntopicon!!! – ` – . – ` 01:00:12 -!- BirthdayBot [~Bot@X-36B339AD.clockbot.net] has quit [Quit: BirthdayBot] Woohoo! This is […]

o/` BOA – Deeply o/` I should make a section on my website about the applications I use… I used to have one, but I’ve moved away from using many of the gui applications I gave props to. No more xchat, no more xmms… and I believe I said there that I used gnome-terminal. Anyway, […]

o/` Nine Inch Nails – Underneath It All o/` It’s finally raining. For the past 10 days or so there have been clouds in the sky. Each time we walk outside it feels like it’s about to rain. I think this has had a very strang impact on how I’ve been feeling. I love rain! […]

o/` Ducktales Theme o/` It looks like I’ll be going up to Maine the second week of June. I havent worked out all the details, when exactly I’ll go up there, or for how long. My grandparents have agreed to pay for a planeticket. Unfortunately since Myk just started this new job he is unable […]

o/` Enya – Evacuee o/` Today was a very frustrating day. No, not more stuff with PLUG. The flame died and considering the attention span of most of the guys on the list the ones who flamed wont remember it in a week. I have been doing a lot of work on the PhillyChix site […]

o/` Bel Canto – Blank Sheets o/` 15 seconds of infamy on the local LUG list. As I mentioned in yesterday evening’s entry, I have started work on the Philly Chix website, for the Philadelphia chapter of linuxchix. Well it wasnt done. Far from it! It was (still is at the time of writing this) […]

I spent almost all day working on the linuxchix site for philadelphia. I’ll post a link here when it’s near finishing, I’m very pleased with how it looks, and how clever it is %) The woman who is working with me on creating this group is wonderful, she’s not someone who says “yeah lets start […]

o/` Vangelis – Tears In Rain (Blade Runner Soundtrack) o/` I went to bed at 1 am, woke up at 6:30 am… why? Insomnia, I hate it! An awful night sleep… Yesterday afternoon we headed out to Unos to meet with our friend Bob like we do a couple times a month. It was nice. […]

o/` Barenaked Ladies – When You Dream o/` We never did get to meet up with that friend last night. It was rainy and the friend he was bringing to NJ just wanted to get home… bleh whatever. Since the drafting room is fairly dead in the morning (er, closed) we realized there wouldnt really […]

o/` All About Eve – Pieces Of Our Heart o/` My aunt elaine is dating a mobster. Ok, so it’s not proven yet. She met this sweet italian guy online and just yesterday met him in real life. He drives a Jaguar, has a lot of money, and works in construction but “wont tell her […]