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Archive for May, 2003

o/` Dishwalla – Counting Blue Cars o/` Well the doctor’s visit went about the way I expected, it hurt a lot and I felt terrible after. We ended up going out for lunch after, which turned out to be less than nice because I just was so uncomfortable… I ate lunch though, and it was […]

o/` Aphex Twin – Windowsill o/` Well I finally got around to changing to logo on all my princessleia.com pages… it was a bit of a pain because it wasn’t a matter of simply replacing the image file, the original logo is a .gif and the new one is a .png. So I did a […]

o/` George Winston – Cast Your Fate To The Wind o/` The merger with the xelium servers is seeming to be a success. Some friends who left clockbot because of how “dead” the server was are coming back, impressed with all the new people that xelium brought, and the stability of the new services. I […]

Lan Party Pictures

The lan party yesterday was a lot of fun %) Played mostly ut2003… which was cool, I did good… beat 7 guys 3 times in a row (I was the only girl there… *sigh*). They were beat by a girl, hahahaa! We tried to play Age Of Empires 2… had it installed and everything, but […]

The admin hat

The problem with being any sort of administrator in a friendly community, is sometimes you have to put on the admin hat when someone gets out of line. It’s especially frustrating because more often then not, the person who has created the offense takes it personally. To create a comfortable environment for everyone you must […]

o/` Enigma – Gravity of Love o/` I spent most of the day cleaning the apartment and making cookies.. yay for fridays. I did lots of extra cleaning, that’s why it took so long %) And I made the cookies for the lan party tomorrow, yay! Hopefully the lan party will be fun, I don’t […]

o/` Pocahontas Soundtrack o/` Last night was uneventful. Sometimes allergy medicine does different things to me.. last night was one of those nights where it made me insanely drowsy. Myk came home and took a nap because his allergies were really getting to him (he’s got a dr’s appointment on friday, yay!)… so I was […]