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Archive for June, 2003

o/` Naked Eyes – Always Something The To Remind Me o/` Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh ugh…. UGH! Yesterday afternoon I was using my laptop in the bedroom, it was fine, I wasn’t online because we dont have ethernet cable that goes that far, but I was able to focus on writing 4 emails. These weren’t […]

o/` Robert Rich – Lifeblood o/` Last night we went over to the little BBQ/Pool party that Myk’s former co-workers were having. It was nice, I got to meet a number of the guys that I’ve heard so much about… of course I am sure I’ve forgotten more names than I retained. I guess I […]

o/` Legend Soundtrack o/` This laptop is so neat %) x only runs in 8-bit, but with the “default” theme in fluxbox it looks great (I tried a couple other themes and they looked *horrible*). I am absolutely in love with how this keyboard types, it makes a nice little clicky sound, and feels good… […]

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o/` Pocahontas Soundtrack o/` -!- Current Global Users: 391 Max: 401 Woohoo! We finally hit 400 users on xelium! Yesterday was hot. In light of this I decided it would be a good day to go down to the pool. I had a nice time, and didn’t get burnt %) I went back to the […]

o/` Meat Beat Manifesto – She’s Unreal o/` Hehe… this is from The Matrix Bastardization Yesterday I pretty much spent the day reading. Actually finished Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil. Tonight I’m going to start reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (the novel that Bladerunner was based on, I picked it […]

First, book reviews! Xenocide by Orson Scott Card, 592 pages This is the immediate sequel to Speaker for the Dead, it picks up with Valentine travelling to see Ender on Lusitania. Years have passed since “Speaker” and Ender has established himself as a respected member of the community. Lusitania is dealing with the coming of […]

We went to hang out with our friend Ed and his girlfriend Kelly last night at Kelly’s place. Didn’t stay long because we had to get up this morning, but we got to see all of Kelly’s kittys and her dog, it was fun %) Also got to see Ed’s mac, which was pretty cool, […]

o/` Miranda Sex Garden – Falling o/` My net connection went down for about an hour this morning (4-5 am) again, grrr… this is really starting to get me angry. Hopefully next time I can catch the outage and call comcast so they can troubleshoot… of send someone to physically check on the line and […]

o/` Matchbox 20 – Time After Time_(Cyndi Lauper Cover) o/` I really intended to post yesterday, just never seemed to get around to it since Myk took a half day *shrugs* FUCKING COMCAST. Hi. Ok, so maybe it’s not their fault this time, but my connection was down again for most of the morning. I […]