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Archive for June, 2003

o/` Better Than Ezra – Extra Ordinary o/` Yesterday I really intended on getting some work done on a page about enlightenment that I’m working on, but I just didn’t feel like it, and I got distracted. See, there is this guy on the IRC server who apparently wants to be an IRCop there someday. […]

o/` Barenaked Ladies – Box Set o/` Not that I want to dwell on the Matrix needlessly, but I am starting to see some sort of “coolness trend.” Apparently, being a hacker is cool. I am sure in 10 years when people look back at the early 21st century they will laugh at this “leet” […]

o/` Massive Attack – Mezzanine o/` The problem with paying off a credit card that you have had a large amount of debt on for a long time is you are so excited when you do so, and you want to mark this occasion with celebration. “Hey we paid it off, let’s go out and […]

Finally got online to post this… o/` Jane Siberry – It Can’t Rain All The Time o/` Based on when I disconnected from IRC last night, it seems I’ve been offline since 4:30 am (it’s nearly 10 now). That pisses me off. For *months* my connection was fine! Never even dropped from IRC once, and […]

o/` Madonna – Live To Tell o/` More nightmares. I don’t know why I have been getting them so frequently. They aren’t a hassle themselves, but they make me wake up and then I am disoriented and can’t fall back to sleep. I hate nightmares. There was a big thunderstorm last night, it was so […]

o/` Bush – Mouth o/` We had our first phillychix meeting last night. Above is a picture of both of us there, hehe. I asked my friend Nita if she wanted to come, but it was her birthday yesterday, and it was understandable that she didn’t want to go to center city to a chix […]

o/` Stabbing Westward – High o/` I’m home! I just caught up on reading everyone’s entries that I missed, it took a very long time %) And now this entry will probably take most of the afternoon to write ;) I doubt anyone will read the whole thing, but it’s really a record of events […]

o/` Eagles – Hotel California o/` So I leave tomorrow morning. And I’m feeling… anxious and worried. I will be taking a train to the airport tomorrow morning. Myk was going to drive me, but it’s really much easier for me to take the train.. that way he won’t have to pay for parking or […]

o/` Bel Canto – Mornixuur o/` Well unfortunately I didnt get to meet escapenguin and Vehicle00 last night. Apparently Vehicle had a work meeting that ended up taking more time tha he expected. Escapenguin wanted to make it, drove into the city, got lost, and by the time he found USP it was raining, he […]

I’ve been keeping a web log for a year now. That’s a long time. I discovered PhillyWIT this morning. It’s “A Philadelphia networking group for women in technology,” cool! I was able to sign up for their mailing list, and I emailed the president, who mailed me back and said I am welcome to post […]