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My webpage has moved! … and old age

o/` Moby – When It’s Cold I’d Like To Die o/`

Well, the webpages are moved and set up on the new box. You can definately tell that they’re on a T3 now %) I’m very excited about this! Of course I won’t take advantage of it in any way, but it’ll be nice for people who want to (for instance) use our UT install directions and mplayer instructions because both of those have big files to download… and it would have been a pain using my crappy cable connection… not to mention the crazy lag I’d get, already I am noticing a difference. Strange to have it on another box after all this time! I’m so happy. Myk’s setting up my user soon, so we will get the mail and stuff moved, yay!

“I do benefits for all religions — I’d hate to blow the hereafter on a technicality.” – Bob Hope

I hope it worked out for him, he died yesterday at 100. I was just talking in IRC to a friend and I realized quickly that I might actually get to live that long. Wow. Living til the year 2081, that’d be crazy… and yet, somehow it doesn’t seem far enough in the future, I want to live til 2300! Ok, the genes in my family aren’t that good, but no cancer, heart trouble, strokes, run in my family. So if I can beat this depression and pull myself into being more of an optimist, and avoid accidents, I really can live for a long time, and look good doing it… one of my grandmothers is 80 and looks 60, she just went golfing a couple weeks ago.

Today… ah today. I finished the irssi mini-how to. Once I get full access to the webserver box I’ll be putting it up. There is a bit of work I want to do on my site as well, it’s so funny how often I work on my webpage, I didn’t notice until one day Myk says “hold off on work on it, I backed it up and will be moving it” Gah, hehe… I have a whole list of things %) I am going to get caught up on some emails today too. I was going to yesterday but I just wasn’t in the mood really.

Yeah… *wanders off*