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a productive day

o/` Aladdin Soundtrack o/`

Today ahh… today. Allergies again, I should take some benadryl but I really wanted to get some things done, and I can’t if I’m drowsy. I decided that I wanted to rewrite the weatherbot. That Geo::Weather module is out-dated, and I could completely be rid of it and parse the page myself. I also didn’t feel like putting the module on the box that the R2D2 bot was on (I had R2D2 and weatherbot in the channel for a couple weeks). Now without the silly module I can put it all into R2D2… so R2 does weather, yay! Here’s the new script:


I also got around to updating the IRCStats ;) And I made an archives page for them, so I have IRC Stats for #13tHHour going all the way back to when we linked irc.clockbot.net up with the other servers this year.

#13thHour IRCStats Archive

I guess that’s about it, a productive day %) *wanders off*