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I complain about people too much… but only because they deserve it!

o/` All About Eve – Tuesday’s Child o/`

They cut the grass outside today. This afternoon I broke down and decided to take some benadryl so I wouldn’t feel miserable. Of course now I’m drowsy and can’t think properly. I logged into r2q5 this afternoon and wanted to make it see my .dir_colors file so I had pretty directories. I spent over 20 minutes doing this, trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, turns out I had completely forgotten about the “alias ls=’ls –color=auto'” line… oy %) I’m glad I wasn’t playing around as root much this afternoon, if I forget something silly like that with benadryl influence who knows what I’d do. That’s it, I ban myself from root when under the influence of alcohol, nyquil AND benadryl. Hee.

Ever have an acquaintance that loved to talk about lots of things to the point of becoming horribly annoying? Oy. I finally was annoyed enough to tell one of these types off this afternoon, and not entirely because of how annoying he is. See, he always came to me to tell me all about the “newest greatest thing” and how it was so much better than existing things. Like today, he messages me telling me all about some wonderful music encoder, TONS better than mp3 and ogg. He’s the kind of guy who goes to a message board on some website, reads the posts, takes them as fact and then comes to tell me all about it. In the music encoding world it’s difficult to say which encoder is “better” overall (you can argue all you want), and I was aware of this, so when he starts going off on this new encoder I told him that I didn’t care. He was insulted. Should I have just let him ramble on all afternoon when I wouldn’t read half of what he said? Should I have made myself care? No, no. He is just too touchy, it seems like every time I talk to him he is blabbing about some new stupid thing and if I EVER dispute anything he says he takes it personally and turns the “discussion” into a personal fight.

So I wanted to move on. I asked him how he was doing. He’s older than I am and he’s living with his parents, doesn’t have a job, doesn’t go to school, and doesn’t seem like he has any intentions of doing either. I don’t have a problem with someone doing that, but he started saying about how he was “picky” about what job he’ll take. I said that I’d work at a grocery store if I needed to, heck I worked at a gas station for 1 1/2 years to support myself and my unemployed ex. Sometimes you just need to work where ever you need to to survive. He started going on about having standards (sure, I won’t work at McDonalds either), and how he was his own person and when he does have a job he works only for himself, not to make his bosses or co-workers happy. Huh? When you have a crappy job you just have to deal with it. The boss says “I want this floor spotless” you do what you can to make it that way. He went off on how he has morals. Morals? What does not doing what you don’t feel like doing have to do with morals? Then he attacked *me* for being willing to keep a boss happy by working hard! Said that was “selling myself out” for a lousy job. His view continued even when I mentioned that taking pride in whatever work you do and doing it very well shows well, and they had intended to promote me at that silly gas station job. I really can’t comprehend what he point he was trying to get across, so I was left with assuming that he’s just immature and can’t take being an adult seriously. We’ve all worked crappy jobs, he just needs to get over himself. So I told him that and asked him not to talk to me anymore. I just didn’t want to deal with his crap. I don’t want to sit here and get insulted for taking every job I’ve ever had seriously.

Yay Benadryl influenced rants! I hate people so much sometimes.

In good news, PrincessLeia.com hit 15,000 hits last night %) YAY!

Finally got around to writing a tiny script that’ll run the script to update ircstats and then upload the results to the webserver, added a crontab so it does it daily. I was so lazy for not doin
g this earlier, it’s so easy and took only a couple minutes.


This is a picture taken from the Hubble when Mars was very close to the earth (closer than it’s been in nearly 60,000 years). Myk and I walked outside late last night and it was easy to spot, looked like a big bright star, very cool. I wish I had a telescope.

We watched Transistorized! The History of the Invention of the Transistor last night on PBS. It was quite good, I learned a lot of things I didn’t know %) I guess that’s one big thing I miss about not having the chance to learn computers via college, I am sure I would have learned stuff about the history of things, and I really really would have enjoyed that.

Now I go. *wanders off*