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Minesweeper, god damn blockbuster! and writing perl modules…

o/` Craig Armstrong – Lets Go Out Tonight o/`


Yesterday was fairly uneventful. I had a bit of a headache so most of the day I just chilled out and puttered around. A friend of mine has recently been playing a lot of minesweeper when she gets bored at work, so, missing that silly old game, I decided to wander around and check out some of the linux versions that were in debian stable’s apt. Mostly they suck. There are 5 of them, and after my disappointment I decided to make a webpage about them. Yep, minesweeper in linux reviews. Unfortunately I can’t post the reviews until I have access to the webserver again, so it’ll be a little while. It was a fun way to pass the afternoon anyway. Eventually my headache got worse and I had to lie down though, which sorta sucked. I am not sure why I got the headache, maybe allergies.

When Myk got home from work he saw I was feeling lousy and we decided to order out pizza. It was a good idea, the pizza was yummie %) We thought about getting a movie. A friend keeps telling me that I HAVE TO see “Rocky Horror Picture Show” … and I do agree, so while at the movie store we decided to pick it up to rent. A tuesday night, we can get in and out of Blockbuster in a few mintues to grab the pizza that’s waiting right? Hah, no. There was a line of about 4 people (which extended to 8 by the time we left) and two guys behind the counter. One was one the phone, then playing with videos that I assumed he was supposed to be putting away, while the other was slowly ringing people up. The guy ringing people up then gets a customer who wants to know if they have Sex In The City Season 2 to buy. So for the next 7 minutes both the guys behind the counter are scrambling around to see if they had it, or if they could get it, how soon, oh do they have it? Ugh… We ended up just leaving without renting the video. We would have waited if we didn’t have a pizza ready and waiting at the pizzeria… bleh, stupid Blockbuster, I pay too much to rent there as it is, you’d think they could at least have decent customer service.

The evening was nice despite not getting a movie. Good pizza, and we sat around and watched PBS for a while, Nova was on at 8, all about forest fires. I am a forest fire expert now! Hehe… I love Nova. My headache mostly went away, I think the caffeine in the soda I had with dinner helped. Yep, that was my lazy day.

So today I decided to embark on an adventure to write a perl module. I used `h2xs -X -n USA::Forecast` to create the basic skeleton of the module that I’m calling USA::Forecast. That’s about where my project is now *grin* I think I have a bad habit of getting in over my head and becoming flustered. I began reading through the Geo::Weather module because it did a lot of similar things that I want to do, but I quickly found myself drowning in not understanding. This isn’t terribly surprising, I’m really not very good with perl and I can just get by in most things I write. So of course I got frustrated. Then I realized that I could do it, I just had to make something much simpler. Not include all the error handling. Not include all the little “extras” that Geo::Weather has. Just create precisely what I need the script to do, one small step at a time. Ok, I can do that. I can add in all the extras later if I feel the need to, right now I need to focus on learning the basics! So I’m not as frustrated as I was earlier today, and I’m glad. Hopefully I’ll get a little done on it this afternoon, or at least learn something that’ll help me tackle the beast in the near future.

I don’t think we’re going to PLUG tonight. There have been bad thunderstorms all week, and if another one decides to come this evening it’ll be a real pain driving in Center City (as if it’s not a pain normally!). Yesterday evening there were a number of accidents because of the storms and people not watching what they were doing, I really don’t want to be
one of those statistics, especially since I *know* how bad the traffic on 76 can get at that time.

I guess that’s about it. *wanders off*