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New perl irssi script, my cousin has cancer, 100 no wait.. 80 things about me.

o/` Miranda Sex Garden – Inferno o/`

Cargo kitty went home this morning *sniff* I miss him already! I don’t miss the furry mess he made though, I spent the morning cleaning the apartment, I’m still doing laundry %) We had a nice weekend with him, he slept in our bed with us at night, mostly… sometimes wanted to keep us awake by jumping on the bed, hehe. He’s such an awsome cat, I’m glad we can have him over to play some weekends!

We never did get to go out to the park for a walk yesterday, it ended up raining *sigh* S’ok though, I had a nice relaxing afternoon anyway.

-@PrincessLeia2- !weather 19454
– R2A6- Current Conditions for North Wales, PA: Cloudy Temp: 79 F/26 C Visability: 1.2 miles Barometer: 29.95 inches and steady

-@PrincessLeia2- !weather 00000
– R2A6- Sorry, no weather for your location, please type !weather zipcode

I wrote up this bot this morning. It’s a pretty simple perl script for irssi, it uses a perl module called Geo::Weather which goes to a specific weather.com page (defined by the zip code you provide) and grabs the specific info from it. It’s nice and fast. A friend of mine suggested I write a forcast thing for it… but there are no modules out to do that! I’d need to do it from scratch *eeek* … I dunno, it might be worth it as far as a learning experience goes. *shrugs*

After a friend recently mentioned his interest in skydiving, I decided to try and contact my Aunt Meg, because she has been into skydiving quite extensively for the past few years, and she’d know everything there is to know for a beginner (she keeps begging me to go sometime *ugh*). I emailed her but the email was returned (bad address). So I emailed a cousin of mine that same day and asked her if she knew my Aunt’s current email address. She said she’d ask my grandparents… oh and by the way “Have you heard any news about Brad?” Brad is my Aunt Meg’s son, and probably one of my cousins who I know the least. Well I was a bit anxious to hear her reply, news? Good news? Bad news? Well yesterday afternoon I got an email back from her, bad news. Apparently he has nasopharyngeal cancer. He was living in California, but when they found out that he was sick he was moved to a hospital in Boston so he could be closer to family. The doctors are optimistic, although this is a particularly nasty form of cancer, he is young and they believe things will be alright. He’s currently undergoing radiation and chemotherapy to try and drive out the cancer, so it’s been a very stressful time for everyone involved. I am glad they are optimistic, but I still think it would be a good idea if Myk and I seriously planned a trip up to Boston and made time to see Brad… I may not be close to him, but family is family, and they can use all the support we all can offer.

So sad, I hate cancer…

Eh… now for something more uplifting. I saw on Reichelle‘s journal that she had done a little “100 facts about me” thing, that’s an interesting idea. I think while I do laundry I’ll type up one for myself, just because writing about myself is fun.

100 80 Things You May Or May Not Know About Me
1. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia … but from the age of 2 I grew up in Maine.
2. I am the oldest of 3 daughters.
3. My parents were married for 19 years before getting a divorce in 2000.
4. I moved out of my parent’s house 5 days after I got my driving license (I was 18).
5. While growing up I had a bedroom full of animals, mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, chinchillas, guinea pigs… and we bred many them for a local pet store.
6. I’m allergic to rosehips.
7. I once had a seizure while in my high school english class, later found to be caused by the migrane/depression medication I was taking.
8. I have problems with depression, but I’m not taking medication for i
9. I have lived in 4 states in my life, Georgia, Maine, New York, and Pennsylvania.
10. My father is an alcoholic.
11. My mother married the manager of an egg farm in Winthrop, Maine and now lives with him and my youngest sister in a house on the farm property.
12. I got online in 1998 with roadrunner cable internet, yes, cable in ’98, Southern Maine was a testing ground for it.
13. Although I have always had an interest in computers, it wasn’t until I got online in 1998 that the interest blossomed into something concrete.
14. I’m very shy in social situations where I feel the need to impress.
15. I can be very outgoing in business situations.
16. I belive in a “greater force” (god?) but I do not belong to any particular religion.
17. I have had 4 boyfriends in my life, all of which I met online.
18. I love to bake.
19. I enjoy knitting.
20. I love cats.
21. I own two web domains, princessleia.com and wallaceandgromit.net.
22. I have been unemployed since November of ’01.
23. I am part owner and administrator of the xelium IRC network.
24. I am co-coordinator of the Philly Chix, the Philadelphia Chapter of Linux Chix.
25. I currently use Debian linux on my main workstation, but started out on Red Hat 7.2 in late 2001.
26. I can hold my own with MySQL, I can vouch for “knowing some perl” and I’m pretty good with PHP.
27. A lot of people come to me for advice, all of which I give based on personal experience.
28. I was 17 the first time I got drunk, and was with my Aunt Elaine in Philadelphia at the time.
29. I have lived with a number of relatives since leaving home in ’00.
30. I worked at a gas station and supported myself for about 18 month while living in Seneca Falls, New York.
31. I have a phobia of birds.
32. I love to go out for dinner.
33. Sushi and chocolate are two of my favorite things.
34. I tend to be a bit of a late bloomer.
35. My favorite colors are pink, purple and blue.
36. I tend to be very hard on myself.
37. I love going to LAN parties with friends.
38. I used to like to draw, but sorta got out of it…
39. I have never been to a rock concert.
40. I’ve only been to one keg party.
41. The one time I went to Disney World I got sick because of the heat and was in First Aid the whole day.
42. I don’t know, and never have known, much about pop culture.
43. Carrot cake is my favorite kind of cake.
44. The only console game systems I have ever owned: NES, PS2.
45. I love to teach.
46. I am very interested in history.
47. I probably chat on IRC too much.
48. I tend to be a bit dependent and sometimes “clingy”
49. I have blue eyes.
50. I had long hair for most of my life, I cut off 18 inches in May and donated it to Locks Of Love.
51. I don’t like crowds.
52. I hate liars.
53. I tend to trust people quickly, which has hurt me many times in the past.
54. I graduted high school with a 93 GPA.
55. I love to swim.
56. I don’t like to drive.
57. I hate shopping, especially for clothes and shoes.
58. I often have trouble adjusting to change.
59. I am consistantly trying to improve myself as a whole person, I expend great effort in area.
60. I worry too much.
61. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to some things.
62. I am a big Wallace and Gromit fan.
63. I am not a good leader.
64. I am not very musically inclined.
65. I read a lot.
66. I used to go down to see the ocean nearly every day while I was growing up.
67. When I drink beer it’s usually some sort of Belgian import.
68. I plan on visiting Europe someday.
69. I love to go hiking.
70. I don’t wear makeup.
71. I have trouble accepting compliments.
72. I have a large beanie baby collection.
73. I have a Camel, Penguin and Moose on top of my monitor.
74. I live with my boyfriend Myk, we’ve been dating for nearly 2 years.
75. I love fireplaces.
76. I was 17 when I had my first real “boyfriend”
77. I used to be a Girl Scout until my ent
ire troop quit.
78. I played with My Little Ponies until 8th grade.
79. I have had trouble sleeping as long as I can remember.
80. I can’t think of anything else!

Well that was fun, no one actually read that all did they? Hee. *wanders off*