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Archive for August, 2003

litestep, coffee makers, and fake pepperoni

o/` Star’s End Radio Broadcast o/` I don’t think I’ve every written and entry this late (early?) before. A friend was in #13thHour recently and talking about Litestep. Now litestep is an alternative shell for the win32 operating system. I tried it back in 1999 when I was here in Philadelphia for the summer. It […]

o/` Sarah Mclachlan – I Love You o/` Yesterday was a bad day. I had reason to be in a lousy mood, but the depression sorta took over and put me into a miserable mood. I wanted someone to talk to but the few people I trust enough to Talk we either not around or […]

Minesweeper, god damn blockbuster! and writing perl modules…

o/` Craig Armstrong – Lets Go Out Tonight o/` Hm… Yesterday was fairly uneventful. I had a bit of a headache so most of the day I just chilled out and puttered around. A friend of mine has recently been playing a lot of minesweeper when she gets bored at work, so, missing that silly […]

New perl irssi script, my cousin has cancer, 100 no wait.. 80 things about me.

o/` Miranda Sex Garden – Inferno o/` Cargo kitty went home this morning *sniff* I miss him already! I don’t miss the furry mess he made though, I spent the morning cleaning the apartment, I’m still doing laundry %) We had a nice weekend with him, he slept in our bed with us at night, […]

I got new pens… and other stuff I did yesterday

o/` Soul Coughing – Screenwriter’s Blues o/` I wonder what I did before I kept a journal. Where did I pour all these thoughts, ideas, and stuff? I probably bugged my friends directly with these things until they were bored to sleep. At least this way they can *choose* what to read, hehe. I got […]

We have Cargo Kitty over for the weekend again, yay! This afternoon we’re going to head out for “lunch” (around 4 pm) with some guys Myk used to work with. It should be fun %) Now I’m going to go play with Cargo! *wanders off*

I love friday.

o/` Peter Gabriel – Before Night Falls o/` I didn’t really have plans today. Cleaned the apartment like I do every friday til about noon. Ended up talking with another op in #WheelOfTime for a bit, and we decided that it might be cool to expand the channel’s interests to other fantasy books. I haven’t […]