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Stupid friend troubles… and organizing the files in my home directory, yay

o/` Mono – Life In Mono o/`

I have this friend. Over the past few months we’ve gotten to know each other better. Spent some time helping him set up a channel on xelium and have had a lot of fun. I’ve talked to him about issues he’s had with a girl he’s attracted to (but can’t have). I’ve helped him promote his channel so some trivia nights he had over a dozen people in there. I even spent a couple days putting together a webpage for the channel AND decided to host it on princessleia.com for him. Unfortunately this was not enough to prevent what happened this afternoon.

He starts talking about things he wants to add to the site. Ok, that’s fine, I said, but it all has to wait until I have access to the webserver box again. I have been intentionally avoiding this subject with Myk because he’s been extremely busy with work and hey, on weekends I’ve taken up his time with other things. So I told my friend that he’d just need to be patient. Well, the next time Myk says something in #13thHour … (nickname has been changed to $friend to protect the bad):

-@Time- I’m at my wits fucking end with this windows server bullshit.
-@Peacimowen- heh.
-@$friend- Time, you have to give Leia user access!!!
-@$friend- Pleasee!
-@PrincessLeia2- $friend: dont be bad %P
-@Time- $friend: What are you talking about?
-$friend- Me and her want to update the website, but we can’t!
-@PrincessLeia2- i told you he’d get to it when he had a chance %P
-@$friend- I know, I just want to remind him.

-!- $friend was kicked from #13thHour by Time [“I’ll make a note”]

First of all, in #13thHour kicks don’t mean that we’re crazy angry… usually it’s just like “haha, you jerk” in a friendly way… If you are seriously in trouble you are banned as well!

So now he gets all mad about how unreasonable this is. I tried to explain to him that it’s perfectly reasonable action for someone who is stressed out and put in this position, I probably would have done the same. “Hey, I see you’re stressed out, I just wanted to remind you that you still need to do $morework” … you just don’t do that! It’s almost comical that he respected a positive response. Of course this friend didn’t understand this, and continues being upset and saying how Myk was wrong and how he hates #13thHour and how it’s all unreasonable and wrong. THEN he apparently got into a “conversation” in private message with Myk, where he said (among other things) “Yeah, makes me wonder what Leia sees in you, if I were her I would’ve dumped your ass long ago.” Ouch.

After all I did for this guy and he decides to treat me like this. How did he think he could insult Myk like this and stay my friend? You know, even if Myk wasn’t right in this situation, don’t come to me to bitch about his actions! I will argue to the death to defend him, and if you continue to insult him I just won’t be your friend anymore. How could I? Having friends that Myk does not exactly “love” is one thing, but once words of agressive dislike are exchanged I need to make a choice. And of course there have been times when Myk has given people another chance, but sometimes I need to decide that people don’t deserve that second chance. I don’t know what will happen in this situation, I’ll let things cool down for a couple days.

Stupid day.

I am feeling a bit better today, woke up ok… ate breakfast and felt miserable, had a really mild lunch and my stomach seems to be happy with that. I don’t quite feel 100% yet, but I do feel much better than I was. I spent a bunch of the day chatting and cleaning up files on my computer… my home directory was a huge mess, so I got everything sorted into folders and then started sorting those folders out, but it’s a big job… I have about 200 text files in my txtfiles directory that I need to go through, and my Images directory oh dear, I don’t even want to think about that, over 4000 of them … a lot of which are unorganized. What I need to do is devise a good file organization system and force myself to use it, the problem I have is either not organizing
things at all or I put them into folders that have broad names like “text” or “images” … and then I can’t find anything. Yes, I need to do this, organization like this would be a good project for me. Then maybe I could use it for organizing my real desk, hehehe.

And it turns out that after I went to lie down yesterday afternoon the Philly Chix talked in the IRC channel and decided to post-pone the meeting until next week. Only two people would have shown up, and one of them was just too tired from work, and the other had no problem with waiting, cool! So I didn’t miss the meeting afterall %) Of course this means I need to go into the city next week, hehe. And now all you chix who have excuses will need to come up with new ones! Hah!

Well it’s late, Myk should be coming home soon… I’m going to finish up a couple things and then go make dinner *wanders off*