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#13thHour wins… and they caught the script kiddie.

o/` Cyndi Lauper – Time After Time o/`

About 10 months ago I started collectiong logs of #13thHour from my irc bot R2D2. At the end of each month I’d stop R2D2, move the log file, and restart irssi with a new log file so i had them separated into months. Just recently I made an IRC Stats Archive with current and past logs. So I looked at these stats recently, from the first full month of October, to this past month of August:

October 2002: Total number of lines: 19965.
August 2003: Total number of lines: 60613.

Wow. I guess it is sorta unfair to compare “summer stats” to “during school” stats, since we do have a few people who are still in school and won’t chat is much, but still, over 3 times as much activity! I’ve said this before, but I’m so very proud of that channel *looks at it now* currently we have 24 people (not counting bots or clones, with them the number is 27). That’s so great, just think, in the winter of 2001 Time and Thrawn sat in #13thHour just to keep the channel open. Not only do we have a high user count (anyone can do that if they “offer” some incentive, like warez), but we have some really great people there and I enjoy talking to all of them %)

I emailed a few people who had been in there long enough to be considered members, so hopefully I’ll start getting their surveys back so I can put them up on the memebers page. Yay %)

It’s been really great watching #13thHour grow. I guess it was inviting a number of people from web journals at once that boosted it, I think about 4-5 of you came at the same time and started chatting, so then when people dropped by they stayed because it was active more than it was before, and more and more kept staying until we had a thriving channel again that is often active. It makes me so happy.

I don’t usually keep up with the news, but it seems they caught an 18 year old guy who modded the Blaster worm and caused more trouble on thousands of computers. I looked on yahoo (just because i have email there, so I was there anyawy) and they had this story about how this guy is “just a kid” … apparently his parents went on television and claimed they were just a normal middleclass family and that their kid was no “genius” on the computer. Hm, so he was just another malicious script kiddie? Throw the book at him. Yeah, it sucks for his family, but I have no doubt this kid got on IRC after letting out this modded worm and bragged to all his leet hax0r friends about what he had done. And he is not “just a kid,” he’s 18 and in the US that makes him liable for every thing he did. I’m glad he was caught. I hope they make an example of him. As much as I dislike Microsoft, I hate script kiddies like this much much more. Their actions cost time and money around the world, and it’s about time one was caught and hung out to dry.

Yay for bitterness!

I am going to go work on some things now *wanders off*