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I had a great weekend.

o/` Miranda Sex Garden – Close to the Sky o/`

I love when Myk has a long weekend. It turned out to be quite nice, and eventful despite our lack of plans.

Saturday evening we decided to head out to Joseph’s for pizza. While we were there Myk noticed a message on his voicemail that was from our friend Doug, he was inviting us to a sort of impromptu lan party at Barry and Rae’s. It was nearly 8 pm, and since we were in Northeast Philly just sitting down to eat we said we’d head up after dinner just to hang out for a bit. So we had dinner, three-cheese spinach pizza, yummie! We hadn’t been to Joseph’s in over 9 months, I nearly forgot how good their pizza is! We don’t go down there often because it’s about 30 minutes away, and the traffic down there is never too nice, but it certainly is worth it sometimes.. mmm. After dinner we realized that we were really close to Krispy Kreme, so we drove over there to pick up a dozen doughnuts to bring to Barry and Rae’s.

Krispy Kreme is on Cottman Ave, which is also route 73, so we decided to take 73 all the way up to Skippack. Now where the Krispy Kreme place is is definately cityish, you’ve got billboards, lots of crappy cars, lots of crazy drivers, no skyscrapers because it’s not like downtown, but it’s scary place for me ;) and Skippack is a place I could definately delight in living in some day. It was amusing to drive down 73 out of northeast philly and see the progression from city to suburb to comfortable suburb. And it was kinda neat to see where my current home is in that progression, I don’t live in a bad area, but it’s simple to see that I do want to live further away. I guess I can eventually get used to the massive sprawl of philadelphia, but I’m not used to it yet ;) I still want to someday live further away, and maybe have a summer house somewhere, yeah! In the mountains…

We got to Barry and Rae’s at around 10, it was great seeing them, and Doug, Mega, n-tropy, Kelly, Sai. Of course we didn’t have our computers, so we hung out and watched The Two Towers DVD that they had. I love that movie %) I know that I was in awe of it the first time I watched it because it lived up to so many of my expectations, especially Gollum, for me Gollum MADE the film, he was so amazing. So this time I watched and tried to pick out silly details, bad parts of the special effects, and sure I found a few, and I found that some lines were a bit cheesey, but that cheese made me love it so much more! I think I still will wait til the whole trilogy is out before buying it in a cool DVD set, because I KNOW they are going to do something evil like release extended editions then and all those with the normal DVDs bought now will cry.

We had a nice time, left around midnight I guess and came home. I was tired and so I went to bed after watching a little lousy late night tv.

Monday (Labor day) Myk had off from work. We both got up relatively early (before 11) and did some computer stuff, reading, etc for a while. Then we thought that we should go for a walk, but it was sorta misty out, so maybe something else? We decided to head over to New Hope, which is a small town on the Delaware river, separating PA from NJ. There are lots of cute little shops there, a “magic” shop where we usually get frankincense and the little charcoal disks. It’s a really neat little town. On our way there we almost turned back at one point because it started raining a bit harder than a drizzle. Of course as soon as we were turned around the rain let up and we turned around again to go. So we got there around 3, walked around in the drizzle and some times when it rained a little harder. Went to a bookstore and I got to pick up Children Of The Mind, the next book in the Ender’s Game series that I needed. Some friends had offered to let me borrow it, but I see them so little and I really did want to own this book for myself since I’m sure I’ll read it more than once. Myk also bought me Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett, this is the next book I needed in the Discworld series, and I’ve ha
d a difficult time finding it in physical bookstores in the past. Yay! I love getting new books! *hugs them*

We had a really great time in New Hope, despite the rain. Even walked across the bridge into New Jersey briefly, we sorta wanted to go to a coffee shop, and I was reluctant to go to Starbucks because come on, I’m in cute little New Hope! I can find some place better than that! On the New Jersey side we found a cute little coffee shop, but they didn’t accept credit cards. Well damn, THEY certainly won’t be able to whine that Starbucks was the reason they went out of business if they do! Their problem is not moving with the times! So we didn’t get coffee, and I didn’t really feel like it once we crossed the bridge again. I guess we left New Hope a little after 5 because we wanted to head home for some dinner. Stopped at the grocery store and picked up a couple yummie boca pizzas and headed home to eat them. We just relaxed, watched the West Wing, played a little Warcraft 3, but I was so exhausted so we went and watched a couple shows on PBS.

Yeah, that was my weekend, all sorts of fun stuff!

And now it’s back to the week, at least it’s only 4 days even if today still feels like a monday. I spoke to my friend Eric today. We used to work together, and lived together for a time (as roommates) while I lived in upstate New York, he’s going to art school in Pittsburgh. He’s got his own apartment now, which he says is great, since he kept having trouble with roommates. He has a nice boyfriend now, and I guess in general he’s very happy, which is really all I can ask for for my friends. He mentioned that he might have some time off this fall and was thinking of visiting, that’d be really nice but I won’t get my hopes up ;) It was great hearing from him, he was just so busy last spring at school, then he was at home working and on dial up, so we lost touch for a few months.

I have a few things I want to do today, I want to take my weatherbot and morph it so it can also do UK, maybe even someday discover how to include canada in my weatherbot. *wanders off*