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my birthday, i hate aolese, and some other random things.

o/` BOA – For Jasmine o/`

-!- BirthdayBot changed the topic of #13thHour to: ` – . – ` – Happy Birthday PrincessLeia2!!! – ` – . – `

I’m 22 today.

Yesterday we went out to the Whole Foods market near our place to get salad stuff and rolls, and ended up picking up some pumpkins. It’s not too early, last year we got them about 2 days before halloween and so we didn’t have them for very long, was so sad.

I played with Cargo a lot yesterday. It really was a great weekend %)

R2’s forecast script is broken again. I sorta expect this since a simple change in the html or design of the weather.com page could cause issues… but it’s still annoying. I guess I am torn between liking the challenge that it presents and just being annoyed because I don’t always want to fix the silly script.

We’re thinking about adding a couple more servers to xelium. I guess some guy is offering 9 servers, claiming “The servers are on a dedicated OC pipe binded by an optic table” … that would be good, and hopefully we can trust him. 9 is too many though, he is not bringing new users, so we’ll still have around 325 users. 9, plus our existing 4, 13 servers for 325 users? It’s not needed, and would only increase the chance of many netsplits.

The weather finally decided that it would be fallish. We had the windows open all night and it was COLD! … even now it’s only about 60 degrees.

I have a tendancy to dislike, and even look down upon people in IRC who speak in “AOLese” .. you know “hi how r u? ur great lol, im goin 2 go 4 dinner nw, kthx by” I just assumed that they “spoke” like this because they were stupid. Then the other day an acquaintance of mine tried to convince me that it was just “chat slang.” He claimed that since it’s generally accepted in the chat community (what chat community? AOL? MSN?) so perfectly respectable people might choose to chat this way. I thought about this. So he claims they aren’t really dumb enough to actually need to communicate like that. Ok, that’s believable. But I still hate them and think they are dumb for conforming to such stupid and annoying methods of chatting. Seriously. I need a translator for what some of these people say in AOLese, like the translator in “Airplane!” who spoke jive… hehe.

-$stupid- ppl tell me im 2 wierd 4 my own gud if dey fink i am dey shud tlk 2 u

It took me like a minute to read that, and it really wasn’t worth it. My ignore list is growing.

I’m actually in a great mood, these people just drive me batty.

Oh it’s that time of year again. What time of year? House hunting time! We have been seriously thinking about it recently, we want to move to somewhere a bit closer to Myk’s work, and to somewhere cheap so we can save up money for a nice house in the future. And where we are now it’s impossible for me to get a real, consistant full-time job (not close enough to public transportation), living somewhere where that would at least be an option would be very nice. So we’re starting to look, our lease here runs out in early December.

I guess that’s about it *wanders off*