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power outage, mplayer and privacy.. i love carrot cake

o/` Barenaked Ladies – This Is Where It Ends o/`

Because of the crazy winds and rain from Hurricane Isabel, the power was out today from about 4:30 am til 2 pm. It made for an interesting day. I read during most of it, cleaned the apartment like I always do on fridays, it wasn’t really hard, except for when I had to clean the bathroom and I had very little light. I waited til afternoon to take a shower, and that’s good because I was able to wait til the power came back so I had nice, warm water %)

Luckily the power didn’t go out where our server is housed so mail, webpage and irc server didn’t have any downtime (of course I was worrying about my email being down when I had no power at home!). *Grin*

Yesterday I went into work. I didn’t really have much to do, which is ashame, but it wasn’t bad at all, I was able to catch up on all the email that I had neglected for about a week. There were about 400 unread mailing list mails, ahh! It took most of the day to go through them, I really should try to keep up.

I got two more mails about my mplayer how-to yesterday. It’s really amazing how many hits that thing must get… I just did a quick google search for: mplayer debian and it’s number 10. To my surprise the number one hit for this search was clockbot.net and the PLUG How-To archive that Myk maintains… and hey, the search for: debian mplayer gives me the first hit! So cool, I guess that explains all the traffic. Anyway, I made a few more updates on that mplayer site of mine, and linked the unofficial debian apt sources as well, since a few people visiting my how-to have mailed me to tell me that they exist.

It came to my attention yesterday that a friend of mine had some trouble when her employer found her web journal. She was asked to resign because of some of the things she said (she worked at a church). She felt that this was unfair and a couple people suggested (in irc, in her journal, etc) that she get a lawyer and make a case out of it. It seems that everyone was upset that they had discovered this information through a web journal. I guess I sort of hurt her when I disagreed completely and made it clear that anything you post on the internet is completely public. It seemed strange to me that people have some sense of security when posting in their web journals. Is it because the internet is so “new”? Because it’s so huge? Because it’s so abstract to so many people that they think they can “hide” there?

I try to talk all about my life, but when it comes down to specific personal details, and certain areas about my life and my past, I don’t write about it.

After work we were driving home and I realized that I was in a “mood” that made me want to eat. We stopped at the Whole Foods market, picked up a carrot cake (my favorite tied with chocolate) and some boca pizzas (fake pepperoni, yeah!). It was a nice night, especially with the crazy rain and wind outside.

Anyway, I guess I shouldn’t bother saying that we’ll have a boring relaxing weekend because each time I say that it doesnt happen. So I will say “We dont have plans for the weekend”

*wanders off*