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princessleia.com redesign, FF7… n stuff

o/` Vangelis – Tears In Rain – Bladerunner Soundtrack o/`

I spent a great deal of time today redesigning PrincessLeia.com. I never liked the former design. Maybe it really did suck, maybe I just looked at it too much. I really am pleased with this new design though.

Yes. It’s pink and purple. I might reconsider the link choices because people have been screaming about their hatred of pink since I put it up. I like pink…

I’m in a design mood today and I should probably take advantage of it and clean up a few of my less than beautiful sections of my webpage.

“Square Enix announced today that existence of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children an computer-generated animated feature which will debut on DVD sometime in 2004.”



There have been rumors floating around about this, but they werent confirmed until today. Now I want to go replay FF7…

Myk brought home Indian food last night, yay! It was great. Then at 9 we watched The West Wing season premiere. It was good, I’m so happy the new season of that has come, it’s such a great show.

I’m not going to talk about my family, it’s not something I want to think about right now.

I guess that’s it. *wanders off*