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I think I’m finally happy with the design of PrincessLeia.com. Almost. Yeah, I it. I think. Ugh… Well it’s staying the way it is for a while anyway. I like it.

Yesterday afternoon I was also able to redesign, moved, and renamed all the files in my section about Star Wars. It looks much better now, and it’s done in php so I don’t need to worry about all the crazy menu updating on every page that I used to. I love php. Today I got around to doing some redesigning of my Tribute to Leia. I’m not sure if I like it, but that also is in php now, so I have all the love of includes.

I cleaned the apartment this morning.

I guess sometime this weekend, maybe saturday? Myk and I are going to go to the Drafting Room for bottomless mussels and beer, w00t! I dunno if it’ll be a sort of anniversary/birthday or just birthday or just yummie dinner out yet, but I’m looking forward to it (%

Yeah. *wanders off*