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Today… and the past.

o/` REM – Losing My Religion o/`

Yesterday was nice, except that Myk had to go into work briefly %\ He got home soon enough though and we relaxed together, had some Boca Burgers for dinner. I hopped on IRC in the evening and played some Star Wars trivia in #StarWars. I watched a little tv before falling asleep around midnight. It was a nice day.

This morning I worked on my R2D2 IRC bot for a bit. My buddy Peacimowen decided this weekend that he’d install Mandrake (his windows install died somehow and he couldn’t find his windows disks, but he did get ahold of some mandrake ones!). Now he’s on xchat, and since he doesnt have mirc now he doesnt have his IRC bot which had a temperature converter built into it that i used often. So I wrote one for r2d2:

-@PrincessLeia2- !tempcon F 81
-@R2D2- 81 F is equal to 27.2222222222222 C

Yay %)

I also finally got around to tweaking R2’s weather script so that it *hopefully* won’t break anymore, and it’s got fewer security problems now. I took mj’s advice and made it respond to !weather (\d\d\d\d\d) instead of anything, so that it only accepts zip codes (it gives an error if it’s anything other than a zip code). So it’s hopefully more stable now. The only flaw it still has is not removing the files that it downloads and which do not coorespond to real zip codes… I’ll think of something, it’s just strange because sometimes it downloads a file called “index.html” instead and sometimes it actually downloads a file with the zip code name, so it’s difficult to know which I have to tell it to remove afterwards… and it gets very crankie if i tell it to remove something that isnt there %)

I’ll be going into work on Thursday, yay! It’s nice to finally have a job sometimes %)

Today is September 15th. It’s been two years since one of the craziest septembers of my life. I thought about writing a huge thing about September ’01, but then I stopped myself, it wouldn’t help me it all. In fact, it might depress me, this is now, and I am happy. I got back into contact with my family and friends and I started dating Myk that September and that’s all that’s important.

It’s really amazing how quickly my life changed for the better. I moved in with my aunt in October of ’01, despite Myk making it clear I was welcome with him at any time. I needed a break from living with a S/O. A break that would let me get myself back to some sort of sanity. I took a couple temp jobs while there and made some friends, I had a great time, and best of all I gained back my self esteem and feeling of self worth, I loved myself again. This was a very important step for me, as it should be for everyone.

I can’t believe it’s been 2 years already.

Now I am going to work on some stuff *wanders off*