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Trip to Gettysburg and the rest of my weekend.

Myk and I went to Gettysburg, PA yesterday. We took the turnpike to exit 236 (about 100 miles), got off there, went south on 15 until we got to 30 (about 27 miles). Took 30 west right into the center of Gettysburg. In all the trip was a little over 130 miles, took us around 2 hours. We got into Gettysburg in the late afternoon, which was alright. First we visited the huge National Historical Park there where they have hundreds of monuments. It was so weird, you drive by the park and you think it’s just another farm, and then you see all the monuments. We found an entrance into the park and just happened to decide and stop at Little Round Top. I wanted to see this, but we didn’t have a map so we sorta just decided to drive and walk around to see what we could see, I was glad we were able to go here. Saw the little monument that was put up for the 20th Maine (hey, I’m basically a Mainer at heart). We got to walk through some trails in the woods behind Little Round Top, it was beautiful back there, we’d enjoy the scenery and then come upon another small monument, just often enough to make us remember what horrible battles were fought in that wonderful place.

After walking for a bit we decided to head up near the Pennyslvania monument. It’s the biggest one in the park (see picture, I didn’t take this, I swiped it from a government website… hey I’m sure it’s my tax money that was used to take this picture anyway). It had all the names of the men who died from PA in the battles there, and then there was a narrow spiral staircase that went up to near the top of the monument so you can look out, the view was very nice (similar to the view from on top of Little Round Top). We walked around a number of other monuments spaced out in the area, it was quite informative, and sad at the same time, I’d never been in a place like it.

At around 6:30 we left the park to find something to eat. We parked in town and walked around for a while looking for a place since we wanted to get the “full experience” of dining in Gettysburg. At around 7:30 we finally ended up at a place called the Farnsworth Inn. There was an indoor dining room, but we would have had to wait unil 8:30 to get a seat, so we went outside into the Garden of that same restuarant, where we were quickly seated. The waitresses were all dressed up in civil war era clothing, and the atmosphere was great. Luckily the weather was perfect, so we weren’t too hot or too cold while we ate. The menu was short, about 8 entrees, all served with bread, salad, and vegetable. I got a chicken pot pie, which definatelly had the yummieness of home cooked food, I was quite pleased. The salad was great, the breads were wonderful, and for a vegetable both Myk and I got pumpkin fritters, which were like pumpkin doughnuts… oh my, they were good. The service wasn’t the greatest, the waitress wasn’t around much, and never remembered to bring me a glass of water that I asked for, but I didn’t let it bother me too much. It was a great dinner.

After dinner we did some more walking on Baltimore Ave. There were a number of “Candlelight Ghost Walks” and since it was after 8 and didn’t really have other plans we decided to buy tickets for the most popular one, the “Farnsworth Candlelit Ghost Tour.” While we waited we stopped at a fudge shop, oh yummie fudge! It was good %) Then at around 9 we got to go on the ghost walk. It was amusing, the guide wasn’t *too* cheesey I guess, even if some of the people taking the tour were a little weird. During part of the tour I got a little dizzy, but I think it was because I had eaten so much and then decided to do lots of walking beside a road that had lots of motorcycles driving on it (yay exhaust fumes). I felt fine for the rest of the walk after sitting down for a couple minutes. We were taken to one dark woodsy spot where people often “see things” and sometimes cameras pick up things. Did I see anything? Naw, but I’m sure I would have if I wanted to, it’s e
asy to see shadows in an area near the woods. To end the tour we were able to go up in the attic of the Farnsworth Inn, it wasn’t really interesting unto itself, I actually enjoyed the walking into the in, up the stairs, through the hallways, it was a really cute little place (and $120-180 per night, it’s an option for accomidations next time we go..). The stories the guy told gave an interesting picture of the area, and in the end it was a decent way to spend a couple hours. Just keep in mind if you ever do it yourself that it’s a lot of walking and standing on the sidewalk of a busy road ;)

It was around 11 when the walk ended, still having a 2 hours drive home ahead of us we decided it would be a good time to leave. We stopped for some sodas and gas on the way home (gas is about 20 cents/gallon cheaper out there, living near a city sucks!). The drive home was nice and uneventful. Almost as soon as we got home around 1 I went to bed. It was a perfect day.

I think next time we head up to Gettysburg I’ll take the time to find a map of the Historical Park, and do a bit of research into Gettysburg history so I am more clueful to what I’m looking at. It’ll definately be worthwhile to spend the time learning about it, I want to anyway. We also think we might want to try to get reservations at one of the many bed and breakfasts there, maybe take a three day weekend and sleep there for a couple nights. Since we enjoy walking I don’t think we’ll suffer from a shortage of things to do. Oh! And there are little horse-drawn carriages that go through town, definately want to go on one of those next time.

Now for the boring stuff %)

“What’s your vector Victor?”

On friday night Myk got home and we thought about doing our much needed grocery shopping, but neither of us were in the mood so we ordered out for pizza and wings instead. Yum. While eating we were channel surfing and stopped on a classic movies channel where they were playing “Naked Gun”.. which I had never seen. It was funny. After, they played “Top Secret” which I had seen. THEN they played “Airplane!” Yay! I had never seen it, but wanted to someday. we had almost rented it a couple times. It was cool to be able to just watch it on TV. The “drinking problem” thing had me laughing for about 5 minutes, actually, it still makes me chuckle. After “Airplane!” (by this time it’s after 1, and I needed to get up for Gettysburg in the morning) they played “Zero Hour!” which is the film that “Airplane!” is a spoof of. Well, hah! I had never seen “Airplane!” and had no idea it was actually a remake to a bad 1950’s airplane disaster film. So I started watching “Zero Hour!” It was definately what “Airplane!” was based on, even the main character (Striker) had the same name. Some scenes were nearly identical in both films, it was great, I really which I could have stayed up and watched the entire thing, but I would have been exhausted in the morning.

Hmm, today I guess we’ll finally go grocery shopping since we don’t have much food. No other plans really, I took some benadryl this morning because my allergies were bothering me, so I don’t think I’ll be doing too many active things (at least I’m not drowsy yet!). It should be a nice relaxing day, and it’s beautiful out, such perfect weather. This is my favorite time of the year.