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Woo 2 year anniversary! A great dinner out. Cargo Kitty… and i finally saw RHPS

Today is Myk and my second year anniversary. Wow. Two years %) That makes me so happy.

Yesterday was great.

First Cargo kitty woke me up around 8:30 (ok, that wasn’t so great). So I got up and played with him for a while. Hopped on my laptop and *finally* got caught up on email mailing lists that I habitually forget about (I had over 350 to read). Got through them all, replied to a couple that were only a day or two old. It was a nice relaxing morning.

I spent a bunch of time reading in the afternoon. Once we were all showered, dressed and awake (um, around 3:30, yay weekends!) we decided to head up to the Drafting Room in Exton. Myk wrote up a pretty inclusive description of what we ate there: Myk’s LJ entry. Yeah, it was an early birthday dinner %) (didnt want to go on sunday because it would be football time and there is a bar there, didnt want to wait til monday because we’d have silly time constraints with it being a weekday). The food was amazing. Mmmm bottomless mussels! And the beer was excellent… swordfish and shrimp, oh yummie! And the chocolate cheese cake… *drool* The evening there was spectacular, I couldn’t have imagined a better dinner %)

After dinner we picked up some movies from blockbuster and headed home. We sat down and watched “Treasure Planet” first. It’s a Disney movie. The first full-length animated feature of theirs that I didn’t see in the theater since I started my obsession with Aladdin. It was kinda sad for me that I broke that “record” of seeing them all in the theater (sometimes multiple times, I think I saw Pocahontas 4 times in the theater..), but Lilo and Stitch was also released that year, too much Disney release for one year! I did enjoy Treasure Planet though, not nearly as good as most of their films, and in the beginning I really disliked their use of CG animation, but toward the end it started to grow on me. Then we watched “Rocky Horror Picture Show” (talk about variety, Disney cartoon then RHPS, hee). Ok, I know I said I didn’t like musicals, but I actually enjoyed RHPS. It was a bit disturbing, a lot campy, and they were poking fun at SO MANY things. It was funny. And apparently it has been released on DVD… but Blockbuster only had it in VHS, how annoying, the only reason I go to blockbuster is because they usually have all of the latest and greatest.

I went to bed around midnight because I was so tired. It was a great day!

Cargo kitty decided to wake me up at 8 this morning. I would have just tried to hide under the covers and go back to sleep, but he was making a lot of noise so I just decided to get up and play with him so he didn’t wake up Myk too. I played with him a bunch this morning, so maybe I can get an hour more of sleep this morning if he wants to settle down %) Now, when I have a cat of my own there will be certain rules about waking me up and being in my bedroom ;) It’s hard to train cats, and training a cat like Cargo is especially so, since he goes to so many different people’s homes, with all different rules. Still, he’s a great cat, he loves to play, and sometimes he’s absolutely batty %) I love him so much *hugs Cargo*

On Friday I communicated with one of the newest members of Philly Chix and she offered “officially” to be the driver on our trip to DC. Woo! We’re planning to have the trip on October 25th (saturday). It should be nice… just trying to now figure out how many people want to go. Running a group like this is a bit difficult sometimes %) I really have to nag at some people to get them interested, hehe. I hope this all works out, I’m really excited.

I discovered yesterday that the release date for “Wallace and Gromit in Project Zoo” was pushed to October 3rd. Not a big change, especially since I can’t get it right away, but still, the sooner it comes out the sooner I can hear more about it ;) It looks like a really great game.

Today I will spend playing with Cargo Kitty. *wande
rs off*