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Archive for October, 2003

Happy Halloween! I always dress up as a witch. And reconnecting with family.

Happy Halloween! I love this holiday. I emailed a few members of my family this morning to show them the pumpkin carving pictures. First my cousin Audrey emailed me back. Audrey, her sister Barbara, her brother Alex, and her parents lived in Georgia. Growing up in Maine we didn’t see them much. In fact, I […]

An old friend, and pumpkin carving pictures!

An old friend emailed me recently. I had remembered her quite fondly, and then as I got back into exchanging emails with her I realized that she wasn’t like I had remembered at all, and we were never really as close as I remembered. I guess it was just because she was one of those […]

a new record! notebooks, zope, balloons and the west wing

I’ve now officially been in this relationship with Myk longer than I’ve ever been in any other romatic relationship (I had already long surpassed the longest time “happy in a relationship” mark). 2 years, 1 month, 1 day. That makes me feel really good. Last night was again quite uneventful. We were going to carve […]

mplayer how-to redone, and some zope.

Last night was uneventful. This morning I did some work with some mysql databases. Then dove into messing around with mplayer. You see, yesterday I got an email about mplayer, he turned out to be mistaken in his critique of my how-to, but he did make a valid point about one section of the how-to […]

Last night, DC picture, Xelium IRC

I went back to bed after writing that entry yesterday. Didn’t wake up until Myk got out of bed at 2 pm. I did some reading, finished Frankenstein and I’m almost done with Witches Abroad. Then around 3:30 we headed up to see a house that a friend of ours is selling. It was still […]

Disappointment In Washington DC, but not a total loss…

The trip to Washington DC to meet the DC Chix was a bit of a failure. We were able to get out of the Philadelphia area around 10 am like we had planned. Most of the drive down was very easy, and it being a Saturday morning the traffic was minimal. Around 12:20ish we arrived […]

hotwings dripping with sauce, and the dc trip tomorrow

o/` Tangerine Dream – Legend Soundtrack o/` Late yesterday afternoon I got a chance to talk to a friend of mine on the phone. He calls me about once a month, tells me about how his life is, how his girlfriend is, how college is. It’s nice, even if we COULD just talk online. I […]

Doom and the wonderful intarweb ;)

o/` Portishead – Wandering Star o/` It’s been a very thursday thursday. Last night we watched the West Wing. It was on and NBC didn’t do anything to screw it up, yay! It was a nice evening. This morning I caught up on some email. Someone in #13thHour was trying to install prboom (a clone […]

Boring daily stuff.

o/` Nine Inch Nails – Head Like A Hole o/` Yesterday was alright. Did some looking around for more houses in the area, just looking at our options. Found a lot of doubles, townhouses and condos. It took up a significant amount of time yesterday. When I got bored or frustrated with that I’d take […]

Another haircut, movies, holidays, and ice cream made with splenda.

o/` The Cure – Lovesong o/` I got my hair cut again. I was going to just get it cut to a little above my shoulders so it wouldn’t always look so messy. I got to the haircut place and the woman asked “would you like to donate it?” I didn’t think I’d have enough […]