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Another haircut, movies, holidays, and ice cream made with splenda.

o/` The Cure – Lovesong o/`

PrincessLeia2's HaircutI got my hair cut again. I was going to just get it cut to a little above my shoulders so it wouldn’t always look so messy. I got to the haircut place and the woman asked “would you like to donate it?” I didn’t think I’d have enough (10 inches), but she said if I cut it a little shorter I could. So, cut 8 inches off and throw it away or cut 10 off and donate it? I can do that. I think. Eek! So now it’s quite short. I like it, but I do admit that I want it to grow out a couple inches before I’ll love it. Luckily Myk loves it, which is good since I didn’t mention it to him before I decided to get it so short %) Oh and I’m changing my lj icon…

I can’t put it up in a ponytail anymore, and it’s starting to drop into my face a lot, I think I will drag Myk out to the store this evening to get some hair clips.

Do I miss my long hair? Sure. Do I regret cutting it? Nope.

I didn’t really do much else yesterday. Made boca burgers for dinner. Watched “Twin Peaks – Fire Walk with Me” .. David Lynch movie with typical David Lynch weirdness. I liked it.

Later in the night I turned on TCM and watched “Plague of the Zombies.” Apparently the Hammer studio was a bit of a horror film factory, but the movies I’ve seen of theirs don’t suck like “factory studios” these days. Back then they couldn’t depend on special effects or sex to captivate an audience, they actually had to have decent dialogue in a film for people to enjoy it.

It took me a bit to understand this, but while growing up holidays felt very… holidayish. When I hit about 14 or so they stopped feeling special. I was puzzled by this. And when I moved away from home I saw even more of a dimish of holidays from my life. I’ve now come to realize that effort actually goes into get into the holiday spirit. It’s not some magical feeling that comes over you, halloween is just another day if you don’t get yourself motivated. This year I have and it’s very nice %) I guess back when I was 14 or so my parent’s hit a really lousy time and stopped providing the “comfy holiday feel” that they always had in the past. I hope I never become like that, feeling holidayish is nice.

I was channel surfing the other night after watching a PBS program (there is always 10 minutes or so betwen programs on PBS), and I ended up on the food network. I don’t watch this channel often because it makes me hungry and they always have yummie things like chocolate cake and fish. Well this time they were doing a short documentary on sweets. Apparently there is now an ice cream that uses Splenda instead of sugar!

SPLENDA tastes more like sugar because it’s made from sugar. So there’s no strange aftertaste you sometimes get with other artificial sweeteners. The sweetening ingredient in SPLENDA, sucralose, is not recognized by the body as sugar or as a carbohydrate and does not affect blood glucose levels, so it’s suitable for people with diabetes.

Myk has been using Splenda in his tea for a few months. I still shy away from it because I really am a REAL sugar fiend. I do admit, however, that it tastes very much like sugar. I can’t stand Sweet and Low, but Splenda is tolerable. So what is this magical wonderful ice cream that uses Splenda? Blue Bunny! I’d never heard of it before, but this recent development has encouraged me to keep my eyes open for it. Blue Bunny – Splenda <-- info on flavors and stuff for the Blue Bunny ice cream with splenda. I guess that’s about it. *wanders off*