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apoligies, shopping, irssi perl scripting, and glow-in-the-dark beer bottles!

o/` Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack o/`

Yesterday I felt very good. No more depression that was bugging me this past weekend and earlier this week, yay! With that new found good mood I took the time to explain the “politics” of the xelium IRC network to the new ircop (yes, the one I complained about). After talking to her about things we both sorta apoligized for everything that happened between us. I am sure it was partly my fault, I got upset with her about how she was treating me and decided in my mind that she wouldn’t last on our network. So I guess I went looking for reasons to complain about her, and I’m sure she noticed that and it fueled her anger even further. Oh well. Things are ok between us now.

After dinner last night we headed out to the mall to do some clothes shopping. I don’t think I was quite clear enough yesterday when I said that I hated shopping for clothes. I REALLY hate it. In the past it wasn’t even so bad as it was last night. I’m trying to get “adult” clothes, instead of just grabbing some khakis and a t-shirt I needed some nice shirts and pants. And I needed to buy woman’s clothes.

-PrincessLeia2- I don’t know what size I wear
-Time- What size are the pants you’re wearing?
-PrincessLeia2- these are men’s pants.
-Time- Gaah…

So the first hurdle was figuring out what size I wore. Now I’m sure this has been complained about tons of times, but the sizes on clothes for women don’t make sense. “Size 8” … I guess that’s sorta what I wear, but “size 8” seems different in each brand of clothes I looked at, and they never listed the pant length or waist size on any of them. This doesn’t make sense! That means I HAD to try on everything. I am happy that I have nice clothes now, for a few months here I was thinking I might need “Queer Eye for the Straight Girl” to come help me out ;)

It was hot at Macy’s, and they sell water bottles.

I actually got a bit of work done today. I mentioned that friend from IRC yesterday who sent me that weather script, I said he “found” the xchat weather script but I misunderstood… apparently he found it written for a webpage in PHP and he ported it to perl in xchat. I finally got a look at it today, and it was quite nice. He wrote his own perl module to deal with most of the complex stuff, and then had a nice tight looking xchat script that called to it. I was impressed, and it’s really cool to know someone else who does scripting for irc clients in perl. In his script he used LWP::UserAgent … which is tons better than the wget/grep mess than i was using with weather.com pages. So I decided to use the LWP::UserAgent module as well. It’s working out very nicely, and now R2 has his weather script again!

-@PrincesSlaya2- !weather 19454
– R2D666- Current Conditions for North Wales, Pennsylvania at 7:20 PM EDT October 10, 2003: Scattered Clouds Temp: 63 F Humidity: 72% Barometer: 30.15 Wind: NE at 5 mph
-@PrincesSlaya2- !temp 19454
– R2D666- Current Temperature for North Wales, Pennsylvania: 63 F

Wutherground.com doesn’t provide forecasts in happy text format unfortunately, but it’s updated much more often than the weather.com pages, and I’m much happier with it. Best of all I don’t need to worry about the page changing it’s HTML format every other day, like weather.com did to cause my script to end up breaking. I added the !temp thing because sometimes I just want to know the temperature and dont want to fill the channel with the whole weather report. Anyway, I think I’m happy with the script now, so I replaced the old broken one that I had on my site before, now I have the good one up, you can check the html version of the script here.

I also got around to rewriting the imasheep bot in #goddess. It’s written better now, and responds to actions. I added that to my irssi scripts and themes section. I’m quite happy about how much it’s cleaned up now, can see
it here. I was going to do my !help/!commands thing on R2 today too, but I sorta got sidetracked and didn’t feel like it. It’s funny because that’s probably the easiest of all the things I attempted today. Oh well. Maybe I will have some time after writing this.

Our friend Barry called, he wanted to invite us to a LAN party at his place tomorrow. I think that’d be fun, and I don’t think we really have much planned anyway. I’ll talk to Myk when he gets home (went out with the guys at work tonight).

I went to the Rogue website today. Rogue is an Oregon brewed beer, and one of the select few American beers that I like and truly enjoy. Dead Guy Ale… mmmm. I discovered (from the guy at the beer store who knew my favorite) last year that around halloween they released 64 oz glow-in-the-dark bottles of Dead Guy Ale. Apparently they do this every year! Now we need to find a distributer around here that sells them. I’m definately getting back into a beer-wanting mood, I think it’s the cool weather.

Now I’m going to go… do something… it’s late, so probably just chat… *wanders off*