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Doom and the wonderful intarweb ;)

o/` Portishead – Wandering Star o/`

It’s been a very thursday thursday.

Last night we watched the West Wing. It was on and NBC didn’t do anything to screw it up, yay! It was a nice evening.

This morning I caught up on some email. Someone in #13thHour was trying to install prboom (a clone of Doom) in Mandrake. He was having all sorts of trouble. So just for fun I installed it in debian (it’s in apt). Had it up and running in a couple minutes. Yay Doom! I first played Doom was on a friend‘s computer way back a long time ago. My parents couldn’t afford a computer good enough to play Doom. We had many fun afternoons of Doom-playing. This brings back great memories %)

I guess he finally got it almost working, said that it was too small, which is true, the default screen is 320×200.

-$nick- how do i increase the size of the screen?
-PrincesSlaya2- RTFM!
(note: I don’t say this often, but this kid drives me insane with his reluctance to do so)
-PrincesSlaya2- man prboom
-$nick- so i would tell it prboom -height 800 -width 600
-PrincesSlaya2- try it
-PrincesSlaya2- you got your height and width mixed up btw ;)

This comment led into another chatter in the channel piping up and saying:

-$nick2- I thought there were more pixels going height wise than width wise

Oh dear. This began a conversation where this person actually wanted to argue that pixels are rectangular and there are more for height than width. After a couple minutes I asked if he was just joking around with me. He said no, and stood by his theory. After about 10 minutes I gave up trying to “prove” to him that I was right because it was stupid and useless. Eventually (after 2 other people in the channel supported me) he conceded that I was correct, and blamed his lack of sleep. I honestly hope it was just his lack of sleep. I hadn’t had a conversation that stupid in weeks.

I was hanging out in the Oper channel on Xelium like usual, and one of the younger Opers was just talking and talking and then said “I wonder how old the youngest father is.” Of course in this world of the internet no one should ever “wonder” anything so simple! And I can never resist going to google. I got to thinking about how much it would suck to go back to a world without the internet (this being one of many reasons). I’m so used to having billions of pages of knowledge at my fingertips. Maybe we don’t have access to as much depth in some subjects as you’d find in a library, but for the most part, you want to know something, you can just go online. It’s great.

Oh, by the way, the youngest father was 12. The youngest mother was 5 years and 8 months old. Freaky.

Yeah, that’s about it for now. *wanders off*