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Google, houses, and halloween!

For my birthday one of my presents from Myk was Google Hacks. It’s so cool. After Myk gave it to me I was so excited that I just had to do some google searches with some of the things I had learned. I didn’t know about “link:” searches, so I tried it on some of the pages on my website. I found a couple sites linking to my how-tos! That’s so cool… I’ve never had any contact with these people and lo! My mplayer how to and enlightenment guide are linked places. So cool. There is tons more in this google book that I will have to explore, it’s very interesting. I’ll be sure to talk all about the cool new things I find.

Looking for houses is depressing. When you’re younger you always think “When I get a house it’ll have… I’ll have… and then it’ll have…” But then you grow up and realize that you’re not a millionaire and quite probably never will be. So you’re house won’t be huge, it won’t have all of the things you want in it, you won’t have 20 acres. Coming to that realization is difficult. I guess everyone goes through it, settling for a bit less than they expected. I see it with many people, when I was younger I saw people’s parents disappointed with their purchases, and I thought to myself “why did they make such a huge purchase without getting exactly what they wanted?” Well I guess because it’s near impossible when you’re an average middle-class family.

I asked my father why they never decided to buy a house. He blamed my mother. Of course HE had planned on getting a house, HIS plans are always perfect (although never executed), it’s just that damn woman! Oh well.

I compiled the #13thHour ircstats for September this afternoon. An amazing 74795 lines last month, that blows our previous record of 60613 away. The channel is doing good.

Now that it’s October we all put our halloween nicknames on in #13thHour. In the past I’ve been PrincessEvil2 … but this year I thought I’d be punny and go with PrincesSlaya2. Myk is FrankenTime again, and this year at the suggestion of my friend Shampoo (ShamBOO for halloween) I made R2D2 be R2D666. Hehe. We celebrate for a whole month, and it makes this month just a little more funny. I also updated princessleia.com so it’s looking a little halloweenish.

I have things to do now *wanders off*