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Happy Halloween! I always dress up as a witch. And reconnecting with family.

Happy Halloween!
I love this holiday.

I emailed a few members of my family this morning to show them the pumpkin carving pictures. First my cousin Audrey emailed me back. Audrey, her sister Barbara, her brother Alex, and her parents lived in Georgia. Growing up in Maine we didn’t see them much. In fact, I have only met them a couple times. One summer, I believe it was around my freshman or sophmore year in high school, my sister Heather and I spent a month at my grandparent’s house in New Jersey. There we spent the weeks with Audrey and Barbara who came up. Audrey and I shared a room ahd Heather and Barbara shared one, so we quickly got to know each other. It was a great summer, and the best exposure I got to any of my cousins on my father’s side. Oh and of course I have a picture: picture of me and my cousins, from the left, Barbara, me, some guy who lived near my grandparent’s house, Heather, Audrey.

I got back into contact one day when I decided to play with google and do searches for “Krumbach” (there arent a whole lot of us in the US). That’s when I found Audrey’s email address. So that’s how she got on my “holiday to-email list”. Today in her email she mentioned to me that she kept a journal. A livejournal! YAY! So now she’s on my friends list %) And she seems to write a lot. Maybe it runs in the family? My cousin Barbara has one too, so she’s on my list as well. How cool.

Then while looking through Barbara’s friend list I found her brother’s Livejournal. And it turns out that he’s a linux geek! YAY! He uses Gentoo. It’s so great to discover how cool people you are related to are %) And now I finally have a family member who won’t meet me with a blank stare when I tell them what I do for a living.

I also got an email back from my cousin Melissa. She mentioned that she had a friend who needed a webpage and asked if I “do that” … well of course! So I gave her links to some work I’ve done and some basic pricing ideas and asked her to definately email me back if this friend was interested. It would be cool if this works out, even if it’s just a simple website.

Amazing what can be uncovered from a simple email to relatives showing them halloween pictures!

Every year for halloween these past few years (since ’97 I guess) I dress up as a witch (with the exception of 2000, because I had to work *sigh*). Sadly, even though I’ve done this quite consistently, I don’t have a “set” costume for this, and I never actually go out, it’s just for handing out candy really. In 1997 I dressed up in my father’s graduation gown for my witch costume, and I went to school wearing it (that’s where the picture was taken). In 1999 I dressed up in an actual store bought witch dress to hand out candy, this is a picture of me and my younger sister that year (she was a vampire). Ah fun times. I love halloween.

This morning I spent cleaning the apartment, then did some more looking into Zope. As far as I can tell DTML is Zope-specific. And it’s pretty clever! I’m now quite confortable with the basics. I think I’m doing pretty well with learning this stuff. I’ll definately need to devote some time this weekend to it. I installed zope-book from apt onto my laptop a couple days ago, so I can snuggle in my bed or on the couch and learn these things, yay!

Tonight we don’t really have plans. I think we’ll stay in, give out candy (if we get any trick or treaters, only one came last year, and he wasn’t even dressed up). We’ll probably eat some pizza, and drink a couple of the glow-in-the-dark Rogue Dead Guy Ales that we have %) It should be a nice, relaxing night.

Now back to zope stuff. *wanders off*