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mplayer how-to redone, and some zope.

Last night was uneventful.

This morning I did some work with some mysql databases. Then dove into messing around with mplayer.

You see, yesterday I got an email about mplayer, he turned out to be mistaken in his critique of my how-to, but he did make a valid point about one section of the how-to that was a little confusing. So I resolved to completely tear it apart and redo it. While I was at it I decided to grab some other codecs as well and figure out where to install them. I asked my buddy grifter for some pointers, he sent me a tar file with a few new codecs and some helpful tips on how to put it all together. So I waded through this mess of new things and instructions, implemented changes into my own how-to to reflect the new things, and finally when I had it all together I uninstalled my current install of mplayer. I followed the directions to the letter to install it again, and behold! My mplayer now supports realplayer, as well as streaming realplayer, and it has some more updated codecs in it. I’m very very pleased. Even got gmplayer to work happily, even if I still will never use it %)

The howto is here: http://www.princessleia.com/MPlayer.html

I installed zope this afternoon. I’m writing this after going through some of the intro docs and clicking around a bit. Got a little swamped with it so I’m writing this now. It won’t be so bad learning all about it.

That’s about it. Maybe we’ll carve pumpkins tonight. *wanders off*