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My weekend, and stuff.

o/` The Cure – The Walk o/`

Friday after I posted my entry I got a knock on the door. When I got to it no one was there but there were a couple boxes on my doorstep. Puzzled, I brought them inside and saw that they were addressed to me. From “Pearson Education” I decided to just go for it and open them. Inside each box was 4 books:

“Open Source Network Administration” By James M. Kretchmar
“The Art Of UNIX Programming” By Eric S. Raymond
“J2EE Security For Servlets, EJBs, and Web Services” By Pankaj Kumar
“Next Generation Application Integration” By David S. Linthicum


Apparently they are care of the same woman I contacted a few weeks ago about getting coupons for the Philly Chix. I guess Prentice Hall is wanting to become involved with LUGs (like O’Reilly has). I’ll be bringing them to the next meeting this week and sharing them with my fellow chix. Being a LUG coordinator is so cool.

On friday night we ordered pizza and wings and decided to dig through some of Myk’s movies. He has Bladerunner! And not the Directors Cut! I had been looking around for the non-director’s cut for quite some time because I had never seen it… It was great to be able to watch it, and a whole new experience since reading the book, things were much more clear to me. We really need to get it on DVD sometime.

Saturday was pretty slow. Around 4:30 we headed out to find some dinner. Most places were too busy, so we ended up grabbing a quick dinner at our local Drafting Room. I quickly remembered why we usually drive the 45 minutes to the Exton one instead of going to this one that’s 2 miles from home %) The service and food were mediocre, there was just no love! We finished around 6:30 and headed off to Center City Philadelphia.

We were going to St Mary’s for a Michael Stearns Concert. The traffic was terrible, but we were able to get there by 7:35, when the doors were opening at the church. Got great seats. The concert began around 8:15, and it was really great. We brought a big pillow because the pews are too hard to sit on for 2 hours ;) So we were quite comfortable during the whole thing. During the concert Stearns had a screen up that showed images/movies etc that went along with his songs. It was quite enjoyable, I never felt like I wanted a song to end (which has happened a few times in the past at ambient concerts). It really was a wonderful time. Concert ended a little after 10.

I went to bed soon after we got back home because I was tired and my stomach hurt a little (I assumed it was because of the cheese on my dinner).

On sunday I woke up with an upset stomach, was pretty much in bed all day. Myk was so great to me, even did the grocery shopping %) When he came home he made me dinner (soup and crackers) and a bath. Even though I was sick Myk really did make the day bearable.

I was depressed some this weekend as well. Crazy brain chemicals. I’m feeling better now, but boy do those down times suck. Makes me feel like such a crazy woman %(

This morning I woke up still feeling sorta bad, I went back to bed for most of the morning. Got up around noon because I was thirsty, and after some water I decided I felt well enough to have some juice and some lunch. I think I was just tired and dehydrated this morning, feeling quite a bit better now, stomach isn’t upset anymore, YAY!

My cousin Erica called this afternoon. She told me about taking my sister Heather (20) out to the mall and to get a haircut. I guess Erica has sorta adopted Heather as a charity “makeover” case, she is trying to get her to sorta grow up a bit, take care of herself better, look and dress more like an adult. I am not sure what happened with Heather and I, but we do have the same basic problem, somewhere in the teenage years we “missed” something. Neither of us cared too much about our appearance, and so we never got into the habit of wearing makeup or dressing decently. Luckily I have begun to grasp my adultness (even if I still won’t wear makeup) and work
on improving myself… and I’ve always had much better hygiene habits than Heather. I’m glad Erica is giving her some help, someone needs to be there for her.

Erica also invited us up to New Hampshire for thanksgiving. That’s the 4th thanksgiving plan we’ve had proposed to us this year! I politely declined, saying that we did have plans, and telling her that we were quite busy around then (we sent in the notice that we’re going to move out of here at the beginning of December, so we’ll be moving *somewhere* whether it be another apartment, or our own home..)

The rest of the afternoon I spent just doing a few things around the apartment. There were a bunch of boxes in our living room from when we brought things home from Myk’s mother’s, so I cleaned those up (saved the boxes, they will be good when we move…) and I put all of our CDs with cases together, it looks much nicer in here now.

Now I’m going to go check email and stuff *wanders off*