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A beautiful weekend, and I got to see Brother Bear!

Yesterday was nice. I did some reading, learned some more about Zope, the documentation on it is quite extensive, I’m very pleased, but it also makes it a bit difficult to choose exactly what I want to learn ;)

We called a friend of ours to see if he wanted to go out for food, but he was busy, so we decided just to go grocery shopping. At the whole foods market we picked up some fresh catfish with cajun spices on it, and also a carrot cake, because they looked so so very tastey! The whole foods market is in the plaza that’s within walking distance of my apartment and there is a movie theater there. I noticed they were playing Brother Bear so of course I begged Myk to take me to see it %) He said that we could, and we planned on going to the 9:30 showing that night.

Brother Bear MoosesGot home, had the fish for dinner, it was SO good! Played with Cargo, had some carrot cake, and then around 9 we headed off to the theater. The theater was not busy at all. There were maybe a dozen other people at that showing of Brother Bear, only one kid who was quiet the whole time. The movie was pretty typical of Disney’s animated movies, the animation was good, the story was a “coming of age story” which included the sad parts, and the happy parts and much to my delight, funny parts that were actually funny to an adult audience! Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas did the voices for the moose Rutt and Tuke, they did a sort of McKenzie Brothers routine for them, two bumbling Canadian brothers. It was delightful! I’d say the movie is worth seeing just to see the moose %)

It’s so amazingly nice outside. Yesterday it was in the 70s, and it’s in the 70s again today, not quite what I’m used to for November weather %) Maybe I’ll go outside with my laptop and take advantage of the last warm weekend of the year. *wanders off to enjoy the weather*