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cleaning after Cargo, R2D2, L.L. Bean

I spent most of today cleaning and doing laundry (still a load in the washer actually). This is the only downside to having Cargo Kitty over for the weekend %) It’s ok though, I was able to get lots of cleaning out of the way that I’d need to do anyway before we move.

I was proof-reading a short english paper for a friend of mine from Finland this afternoon. Well, there is nothing like reading a non-native english speaker’s english paper to see how querky the english language is. It’s just funny when he’s describing the words to me, pulling out his hair because the present tense and the past tense of “read” are the same word, and yet they are pronounced differently. English must be difficult to learn. This guy’s paper was quite good though, I was pretty impressed, he just has trouble with prepositions, which seem to be a stumbling block for many people learning english.

I looked over R2D2 the ircbot’s script today to try an fix it. Boy did I do a lot of silly things. I started to clean up the script today, putting some subroutines together that were quite foolishly separate, working with all the matches to make sure the way I was comparing things made sense (in some cases I really have no idea what I was doing). I also discovered that since we moved one of the mysql databases off of the computer R2 runs from that his script has actually been broken, if someone used the ~search command he’d die. Oops. Well good thing no one ever actually used that command. I commented it out for now, I don’t know if I’ll put it back, seeing as how no one has used it since at least August… but but but it’s so neat to say my ircbot has a mysql backend %)

I did some “window shopping” (monitor shopping?) at LLBean.com today. I need a coat. I thought about shopping at L.L. Bean because I love that store and I know their quality is exeptional. I looked through many, and I think I might go with this one, probably with the Mariner color. It’s funny, while I was growing up I always thought L.L. Bean was a horribly expensive place, but it really is quite reasonable. I guess my mother was cheap with everything. Now while being cheap sometimes is good (soda at a grocery store is just as good as soda at a pizzeria, and half the price), when you’re talking about clothes you’ll want to wear for decades being cheap just doesn’t make sense. Thrifty, fine, cheap, bad.

I think I’ll make spaghetti for dinner. *wanders off*