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Diversifying the learning process, and chocolatey popcorn

Today I got quite a bit of work done.

Recently I have been thinking of many things I would like to learn, I’ll come across something (CVS for instance) and say “you know, I really should know that” and stuff that thought into the back of my brain. Well I got a lot of it down on paper today, and decided I should make up a schedule for learning it. A daily schedule to follow will be very helpful for me, even if I don’t completely stick to it I have something to aim for, and since there is so much to do I’ll never be left thinking “I dont feel like doing $this, what should I do?” *plays frozen-bubble* I can keep in a healthy rotation. It turned into quite a productive and diverse day, I’m very pleased.

I also got around to cleaning up my desk, if I let it go for a couple days, especially in the midst of paying bills and working on a bunch of projects, the clutter starts building very fast and gets out of control. But now I can actually move around here again, and things will fit in my drawer.

We bought some Boy Scout popcorn a couple months ago and we got it yesterday. I don’t have any brothers, and never happened across any boy scouts when I lived at home, so I had never had boy scout popcorn before, and I’m not a huge fan of pre-popped and packaged popcorn. Still, we ordered a tin of “chocolatey caramel crunch” and let me tell you, they don’t skimp on the chocolate! These things are amazingly drenched in chocolate, it’s so yummie, I can barely resist grabbing a piece each time I walk by the tin in the kitchen. Good thing we only bought one tin!

Last night we finally did go grocery shopping (what else could we do while the cable was out *grin*?), now we have food, yay! *wanders off to make dinner*