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Happy Thanksgiving!


I love food, so Thanksgiving is a good day for me. And it’s a wonderful excuse to eat lots of pie. Mmmm.

This will be my third Thanksgiving with Myk, yay!

The first one was spent when I still lived in New York. He came up to visit me for the four day weekend. That’s when he met a majority of my mother’s side of the family (not my mother though, she was in Maine). That was the first day I ever had Chimay, I had no idea the alcohol content in it was so high, so I got really tipsy really quickly. Luckily my family found it greatly amusing and all gave me coffee to recover, hehe. I had a really nice time though. My family loves Myk %)

Last year we just spent it here at home together. I made chicken, why not a turkey? Well there are only two of us, and I don’t know how to make a turkey! So chicken was just easier, and stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn bread. It was a nice, relaxing time, no social family things to worry about.

So this will be my first Thanksgiving with Time’s mother. I’m looking forward to it, we should have a nice time.

I hope everyone’s turkey day is nice %) *wanders off*