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i have a cold, and more zope stuff…

Well I never did end up doing anything particularly interesting this weekend. Unfortunately that was mostly because I was sick. Yep, I got caught by the demon of colds. I probably should have expected it, with the change in weather and all. Today I’m feeling a bit better, I could actually breath a little better when I woke up this morning, and I didn’t have a headache anymore. I took some DayQuil as soon as I got up and started getting congested again, bleh. DayQuil says it’s non-drowsy, but they are such liars. *gets out her cane* I remember a time when medicines never made me drowsy! Sigh. At least the Quilly makes most of my symptoms go away, and I’m not coughing a ton and making my head hurt. Cold, drowsy and have no appetite, bleh. I hate colds! I didn’t eat breakfast (that’s not terribly unusual) but I did make myself eat some lunch, so that’s good.

Despite not feeling so great I was able to get some work done with zope. I have a page (fictitious domain name) which shows how you can use Zope with DTML, or make an identical page with plain HTML, and I also showed it connecting to a MySQL database. I was able to push my way through learning a bit about zope user security today, which is a bit complicated, but not altogether impossible to learn. I am annoyed that it seems to automatically make text-based files (.html .txt etc) into dtml documents when I upload via ftp… I can’t find a way to easily change a dtml document into a “file” where I can define the content-type, the only way to do it is completely recreating the file, by selecting file, then copying and pasting the contents from the original into this new one, and defining the content type (text/html text/plain etc). So maybe I will just have to encourage people to use the web interface instead of FTP for certain things. I’ll have to poke around some more, but I think I know the basics well enough to get around.


I keep zoning out, so I think this is a good time to end this. *wanders off*